Chapter 866 Talent
Chapter 873

Luo Ji nodded, thinking of the suffering she had suffered since she was a child, and thinking of her mother who was far away in the western border, her eyes immediately turned red.

"Your Majesty, my daughter's biological mother was originally my father's concubine, until my father went to Xibo Kingdom ten years ago, and immediately demoted my mother to be a concubine after returning, and then married the princess of Xibo Kingdom, Bai Lian, everyone Everyone calls her Concubine Lian, but my mother became a concubine for no reason."

"Concubine Lian is very insidious, one thing in front of one's face, one thing behind one's back. My mother and I have suffered a lot under her hands. My father never cared about our life or death. Until that year, my father found out that I was right I am very talented in music, but suddenly changed my attitude, and kept inviting a violinist to teach me the art of piano, and I tried my best to learn it in order to save my mother from suffering."

"Three years ago, my father met Yuan Dao from nowhere, and invited him into the mansion. Yuan Dao's piano skills are very good, and he taught me a very special way of playing the piano. Another very powerful piano technique, which I didn't realize until after I learned it, and the sound played by this piano technique has a breathtaking effect."

"Is it the kind of qin music you played in Yonghe Palace just now?" Chu Tianqi asked.

Luo Ji nodded: "Exactly, my father ordered me to use the sound of the piano to confuse the emperor's mind and win the emperor's favor, so as to achieve the purpose of keeping me in the palace."

Chu Tianqi naturally also guessed the intention of King Liao, and asked again: "Then did he tell you what is his purpose for keeping you in the palace?"

Luo Ji shook her head: "He didn't say it, but there must be some ulterior secret, but these things, he never told me."

Zheng Zhongwen asked Luo Ji: "When he was in the mansion, who did he have the most contact with? Who often came and went in and out of the palace?"

Luo Ji shook her head again: "I don't know, I was detained in the yard by my father and was never allowed to go out. This visit to Beijing is the first time I have left the palace since I can remember."

There are different shades of sympathy in the eyes of the three people. Luo Ji has both parents, but she had such a miserable childhood.

Thinking of her mother, Luo Ji immediately got up and knelt down on the cold ground, and kowtowed heavily to Chu Tianqi: "Your Majesty, please save my mother."

Chu Tianqi raised his hand: "Get up and talk."

Rong Yue stepped forward to help her up, rubbed the red mark on her forehead, and handed over the handkerchief in her hand: "Since I came to the Imperial Study Room today, there must be a method for this matter, don't you Hurry up, the emperor has his own opinion."

Chu Tianqi nodded, and said: "I have just discussed with King Side-by-Shoulder, and immediately secretly sent someone to the western border to secretly rescue your mother from the palace, and then find a safe place to reunite your mother and daughter. You can’t leave, you need to finish this scene.”

Luo Ji was overjoyed, she was filled with gratitude in her heart, and thanked again and again: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The three of them discussed in detail again, and they didn't agree on a plan until late at night. Chu Tianqi left them to stay in the palace, but Rong Yue shook her head: "Not today, King Liao's eyes and ears must be waiting outside the palace. He took hold of the conversation."

Zhongwen nodded: "Yue'er is right, the King of Liao must be hoping that you and the princess will have some troubles at this time, so that he can hold this talk and force you to stay with the princess in order to implement his next plan .”

Chu Tianqi smiled and said: "That's right, I'm too careless, if this is the case, then I won't keep you."

(End of this chapter)

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