Chapter 919 Evidence?

Chapter 928

Rong Yue looked at the child lying on the ground, and thought of her daughter, her heart ached, she said to the girl, "Little sister, what's your name? Would you like to come with me?"

The girl is only seven years old, and she knows some things in the world, but she doesn't understand them very well. However, after these three days, she understood one thing. Afterwards, she no longer had parents, nor a home.

Before the girl could answer, a bearded man squeezed to the front of the crowd and yelled, "Damn girl, I found you. Who hurt her? Stand up for me."

Sima Changfeng frowned slightly, he had seen this man before, he was a well-known rascal.

Rong Yue glanced back at the man, then asked the girl, "Do you know him?"

The girl nodded first, then shook her head again.

The man snorted: "Her father sold her to me for ten taels of silver, but she ran away, making it easy for me to find her."

Rong Yue stood up and asked the man: "You said her father sold her to you, what evidence do you have?"

The man sneered: "What evidence do you need? At that time, I paid the money with one hand and delivered the goods with the other hand. I am a rough person, and I don't understand such things, and I don't know how to do them. If you pick someone up, it's over. I accidentally ran away, you ask her if there is such a thing."

Rong Yue asked the girl, the girl shook her head, her eyes were full of panic: "My father didn't sell me, he went to my house to ask my father for money, my father said no, so he burned down our house and robbed me. I went to his house, my mother tried her best to save me, my father really didn't betray me."

Rong Yue snorted coldly: "Did you hear that?"

The man sneered: "So what? She didn't pay back the money I owed me. Now that she has run away, it's not too much to use her to pay off the debt. I still think it's a loss."

"You burned down their house, so what?" Rong Yue asked.

"How do you count it? If it burns, it burns, how else can it be counted?" The man looked indifferent, obviously he has done a lot of things like burning houses down.

None of the onlookers dared to speak out, even the old man who came out to speak earlier retreated into the crowd, but he couldn't find him.

Rong Yue said softly: "It's certainly wrong for their family not to pay you back the money they owe you, but you are breaking the law by burning down people's houses."

The man cut out: "If you have the ability, go to the government and sue me, if you don't, then get away with me. I'm going to take this girl away today, who dares to stop her?"

The girl was so frightened that she didn't care about the pain. She sat up with one hand propped on the ground, hurriedly pulled Rong Yue's sleeve, and cried: "My lord, save me, I don't want to go with him, he wants me to sleep with him, I will No."

When Rong Yue heard this, she was trembling with anger, the girl who was only seven years old was still a child, and he was——he was like a beast.

When Sima Changfeng heard this, he was also very angry. He really wished he could pull out his horse and kill the beast immediately.

Although all the onlookers looked angry, none of them dared to speak out for justice.

Rong Yue pointed at the man and cursed: "Bastard, calling you a bastard is flattering you, you are even worse than a bastard."

The man has been a bully in Dongjun City for more than ten years. How often has he been scolded by someone pointing his nose in the street like this?Still scolding so badly, Dang even blew up his hair, rolled up his sleeves and rushed forward to wrestle with Rong Yue.

Rongyue didn't intend to let him go, she clasped five golden needles secretly in her palm, planning to wait for the opportunity to pierce the beast's vital points when he pounces on him, and it will definitely make him die of pain.

(End of this chapter)

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