Chapter 947 Who is Duofeng Duoyi?

Chapter 958

Tianhu was speechless for a long time, shook his head and said to Zhongwen: "Look, what I said, I guessed it. Where is this Pear Blossom Valley? What is Pear Blossom Valley? Excited to see two men."

"I reckon, when our two injuries get better, we will be taken to the valley to show the eyes of that red lady. If she likes us, we will have to stay as male favourites. It will be given to another woman."

Zhongwen didn't talk to him all the time, and it was useless to say anything, let's take a step and watch.

Three days later, both of them recovered from their injuries, Tianhu had already given up his crutches, as long as he walked slowly, it didn't hurt at all, but he could feel a little pain when he walked fast.

The two of them sneaked out early in the morning, and walked as soon as they saw the road. They didn't meet anyone on the road, and they didn't find an exit. This Pear Blossom Valley seemed to be a huge sinkhole dug out by God in a big mountain. Surrounded by high mountains, unless it is a monkey, it is impossible to climb the peak and leave.

The two sat by the river tiredly and panted.

Zhongwen said: "There must be a way out. We didn't walk in by ourselves. If we can get in, we can also get out."

Tianhu said: "But the problem is, we don't know how we got in, and no one is willing to tell us."

Zhongwen looked sideways at Tianhu: "Do you still remember where we were lying when you woke up?"

Tianhu shook his head: "At that time, I was in a daze. I only knew that the sun was blinding my eyes. Someone stepped on my hand. I grabbed it subconsciously and realized that I was still alive. I begged them to save me. I didn't remember it after that."

At this moment, several young girls came to wash by the river with their clothes. Seeing that they were there, they squeezed towards them one after another, expressing affection with their eyes, which made Zhongwen and Tianhu very uncomfortable.

Just about to leave, Zhongwen suddenly grabbed Tianhu and said in a low voice, "Go and ask them where we were when we were discovered."

Tianhu pouted: "Why did I ask, why didn't you ask?"

Zhongwen glanced sideways at the girls, and sighed: "They are so enthusiastic, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist, so you should ask."

Tianhu snorted softly: "Look, you still have to look at me when it's critical."

Tianhu got up and walked to the bluestone steps where the girls were washing clothes, and asked with a smile, "Do you know us?"

The girls nodded one after another: "Yes, Duofeng and Duoyi discovered you."

Tianhu was overjoyed and quickly asked: "Who is Duofeng Duoyi?"

A girl pointed to two girls walking in the distance and said: "They are here."

Tianhu stood up, looked back at what the girl was pointing at, and sure enough, there were two girls in colorful clothes coming from far to near with wooden basins.

Like other girls, their gazes were naturally attracted to Zheng Zhongwen, with affection in their eyes and frequent glances, but unfortunately, Zhongwen was like a wooden man, he couldn't receive any affection and slow glances.

When the two Duofeng and Duoyi approached, Tianhu cupped his hands towards them, and said with a smile, "Thank you two girls for your righteous rescue."

Duoyi was timid and shy, lowered his head and said nothing, Duofeng was bold and forthright, and said cheerfully: "My lord, you don't need to say thank you, it's what we should do."

Tianhu said: "Brother Zhongwen and I were hunted down by our enemies, and we accidentally fell into a deep valley, but we didn't expect to be able to survive. It's really thanks to the two girls. I don't know where the girls found us?"

Duofeng pointed to the foot of the mountain in the distance and said: "At the foot of the mountain over there, you were soaked and dying, and thought you were all dead."

(End of this chapter)

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