Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 990 Don't Get Excited

Chapter 990 Don't Get Excited

Chapter 1002

She sneered: "For you, this may be a wedding, but for me, it's a farce, a joke, and I won't admit it."

He let go of his hand and sat beside her: "It doesn't matter whether you admit it or not, facts are facts."

Regardless of the wound on his arm bitten by the snow wolf, he stretched out his arm to hold her in his arms, and stretched his other hand towards her waist.

She turned pale, and slammed into him suddenly. While knocking Yuan Dao away, she also fell to the ground.

He was startled, and hurried forward to help her up, but she screamed: "Don't come here, if you come here again, I'll bite my tongue and kill myself."

Her complexion was ashen, and her eyes were full of determination to see death as home. He was afraid in his heart, and he didn't dare to move his feet: "Don't be impulsive, don't worry, if you don't want to, I will never touch you."

If the man's words can be believed, a sow can climb a tree, she shook her head: "Stand back, otherwise, I will die in front of you immediately."

"Okay, okay, I'll retreat, I'll retreat, don't get excited, relax, relax, okay? Let me bandage your wound first."

She shook her head, blood flowed into her left eye, and her eyes were blood red: "You don't need to be hypocritical, don't you just want to force me to death? If I die, you will get your wish, and you will be buried with me. Isn't that what you are like?" Think about it?"

He hurriedly waved his hands: "No, no, I didn't think so. I won't let you die. After three months, when I die, you will be free."

She sneered: "You already have a husband and children, but you force me to marry you. What is the difference between this and forcing me to die? One woman does not serve two husbands, I would rather die than be your wife."

The blood from the wound continued to overflow, not only had a headache, but also felt dizzy. She was a doctor, so she knew that the impact just now was too hard and hurt her head, which is why she had a dizzy reaction.

Seeing that half of her face was covered with blood, he was very frightened. He wanted to step forward, but he was also afraid that she would make more extreme actions. "I promise you, I will let you go when you recover from your injuries, okay?"

She shook her head: "No, I'm leaving now, right now."

The dizziness became more and more dizzy, and she almost couldn't hold it anymore, only to hear a loud bang, many people rushed in from outside, she turned her head, in the blurred vision, Zhongwen's face rushed into her eyes, She knew she was saved, her Zhongwen came, her Zhongwen finally found her.

The consciousness she was holding on to collapsed in an instant, and she fell into that firm, warm and familiar embrace, and fell into a deep sleep.

Tired, really tired.

"Rongyue, wake up, wake up quickly." Zhong Wen put his arms around her, looked at the bloodstains covering half of his face, his hands trembled in fright, and he turned around and yelled, "Military doctor, where is the military doctor?"

The middle-aged man with a medicine box rushed in and quickly came to Zhongwen. He felt the pulse first, then checked the wound, and hurriedly said: "My lord, the princess is seriously injured, and I must take medicine immediately to stop the bleeding. Please The prince put the princess flat on the couch."

Zhong Wen hurriedly hugged Rong Yue to the couch, stepped back two steps, and asked the military doctor to treat her wound.

He turned his head, glared at Yuan Dao who was already under the control of his subordinates, and approached step by step: "You are Yuan Dao?"

Yuan Dao also stared at Zheng Zhongwen, and asked without answering, "Are you her husband? The husband she would rather die than betray?" She married this man and gave birth to a child?
(End of this chapter)

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