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Chapter 202 Wei Ya is gone

Chapter 202 Wei Ya is gone

"Let's wait for another 5 minutes to see if she will call back. If not, we will continue to call." Thinking of the possibility that Wei Ya is too addicted to playing games, Xiao Xi'er can only suppress the pain in her heart. worry.

"Yeah." Jinjin nodded, her face serious.She has a deep friendship with Wei Ya, thinking that something might happen to Wei Ya, she feels restless.

Time passed slowly, Xiao Xi'er and Jinjin were both holding the phone tightly.Just wait for Wei Ya to call back.

"Still haven't called back." After 5 minutes, even Xiao Xi'er's face showed worry.

"Dial back!" After Jinjin finished speaking, she quickly dialed Wei Ya's cell phone again.

It's a pity that not only there is no "beep beep" sound, but the phone is turned off.

"Weiya turned off the phone." Jinjin's voice trembled a little.

Xiao Xier didn't speak, but met Jinjin's eyes for a second.The two seem to have a telepathic connection.At the same time, he ran towards the cultural hall.

"I'll look for it on the second floor, but you look for it on the first floor! If you find it, call immediately!" Jinjin ran towards the stairs.

The cultural center has two floors, and there are game areas on both floors. The location is very large, and they don't know where Wei Ya will be.

"En." Xiao Xi'er replied, her eyes kept searching the crowd.Fortunately, at five o'clock in the afternoon, a lot of people had already left.

It's a pity that Xiao Xi'er ran around the hall twice but couldn't find Wei Ya.

"Weiya, Wei Ya..." Because she was too worried, Xiao Xi'er couldn't care less about her appearance, and shouted directly.

"Is the beauty looking for someone? Do you need help?" Several boys nearby saw Xiao Xi'er and hurried over to ask.Of course, they're mainly there to strike up a conversation.

But Xiao Xi'er can't control that much now.

"My friend is missing, can you help me find it?" Xiao Xi'er's face was flustered, and outsiders looked like a helpless kitten who couldn't find a home, so aggrieved , stirring the hearts of a group of people.

"Of course, it's my duty!" The man replied quickly, even if he didn't go home tonight, he still had to find him!
"Her photo, please help me find her!" After finishing speaking, Xiao Xi'er showed Wei Ya's photo on her phone to everyone.Several people took pictures of Wei Ya on Xiao Xier.

All of a sudden, a large search team appeared...

But 10 minutes passed, and no one was found, even though there were many people.Jinjin on the second floor also came back.He also shook his head to indicate that Wei Ya was not found.

Obviously, Wei Ya is not in the cultural center.

"Weiya still can't get through on the phone, there is no way she will leave us and go back alone." Jinjin said affirmatively.

"Where will Wei Ya be now..." The possibility of Wei Ya's accident is getting bigger and bigger, and Xiao Xi'er is getting more and more anxious.

"I don't know, I'll call the students in the dormitory next door to the school and ask them if Wei Ya has returned." As he spoke, Jinjin called again.

It could be seen that Jinjin was very worried, her hands were even shaking.

"No? She didn't go back? Well... If she goes back, please be sure to call me! Thank you..."

There is no news of Wei Ya over there.

"Jinjin, don't worry, let's go to the organizer. I'll ask the organizer to call up today's video, and I'll definitely find it." Xiao Xier pretended to be calm and held Jinjin's hand tightly.Be sure to calm down now.

(End of this chapter)

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