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Chapter 207 Smash Your Heads On Your Heads

Chapter 207 Smash Your Heads On Your Heads
"Catch her, don't let her disturb the president's meeting!" Just as she ran to the door of the conference room, before the door could be opened, a group of people came up to stop her in another elevator.

This is to let the president know that so many security guards at the front desk didn't stop a little girl, and let the little girl interrupt such an important meeting of the president, then the group of them will wait to drink the northwest wind.

Xiao Xi'er picked up the huge vase on the side without thinking, and smashed it on the ground.Scared a bunch of security guards.

And a group of high-level executives who were meeting in the conference room seemed to have heard the movement outside.

But it was not enough for Xiao Xier to finish smashing one vase, she also smashed the other pair without mercy.

"Stop it, stop it, do you know how much this pair of vases cost? I can't afford to sell you!" The security guard in charge quickly stopped Xiao Xi'er from continuing to lose money.They also felt heartbroken seeing Xiao Xi'er smashed like this.

"Take another step forward and I'll continue to smash it on your foreheads!" After finishing speaking, Xiao Xi'er took another two steps, picked up another beautifully crafted vase and held it above her head.

"Don't be impulsive, my lady, if you have something to say, please say it. It is our president's favorite vase. If you smash it, we will lose our jobs!"

After all, Xiao Xi'er was Xiao Xi'er, so she bluffed a group of bodyguards in two or three shots.

At this time, the door of the conference room was also opened from the inside out.

"What's the noise, what's the noise! ​​This is the meeting room inside, and the president's office is outside, who told you to argue outside!" A man walked out of the meeting room and yelled at the people outside.

Seeing that the door of the meeting room was opened, Xiao Xi'er couldn't care less.Hearing that the security guard said it was her brother's favorite vase, she didn't intend to smash it. She quickly put the vase back in its original place and rushed into the conference room.

He saw Qian Yuchen who was sitting in the front at a glance, and of course Qian Yuchen also noticed Xiao Xier the moment Xiao Xier ran in.

"Xiao Xi'er." Qian Yuchen stood up, he didn't expect Xiao Xi'er to come to the company to find him.

"Brother, brother, save my friend." He ran directly into Qian Yuchen's arms, his eyes full of panic.Xiao Xier, who was still pretending to be calm before, collapsed the moment she saw her relatives.

It looks like a little milk cat who has been bullied.Finding his brother suing him for grievances, it was as if he was about to cry in the next second.

"Xiao Xi'er, don't worry, speak slowly." It was also the first time for Qian Yuchen to see her sister like this, and her tone of voice was as soft as a feather.He didn't know what happened to make Xiao Xi'er become like this, so it made him feel so distressed.

The people around saw that Qian Yuchen, who had always been indifferent, could be so gentle at this moment, and the expressions on his face were astonished as if he had eaten shit.The bodyguards who followed were still thinking about driving Xiao Xi'er out, but seeing the scene in front of them, they all swallowed in fright and dared not say a word.

Is this man in front of him still their cold boss!

"My friend was drugged and kidnapped. I don't know where she was kidnapped."

"Your friend? What does your friend look like? Do you know the general characteristics of the suspect?" Since Xiao Xi'er can tell that she was drugged and kidnapped, she must know the general appearance of the suspect.Kidnapping Xiao Xier's friend?Let Xiao Xier worry so much?Unforgivable!
(End of this chapter)

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