Chapter 210 a1191
"What's the license plate number?" If such an important clue is found, then it's not afraid that no one will be found.


"I see, if you have any other clues, you must tell me!" Now it is very clear, and it will not take long to find Wei Ya.Before that, Wei Ya, you must be fine.

"The license plate of that Buick is a1192." Xiao Xi'er hung up the phone, looked at Qian Yuchen and said.

"a1191..." Qian Yuchen frowned thoughtfully when he heard the license plate number.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Qian Yuchen's tiny movements, Xiao Xier asked in confusion.

"It's nothing, it's just that this license a bit special. Your friend seems to have offended a dangerous character." The largest gang organization in j city has been rooted in j city for hundreds of years. The license plates starting with a11 are basically contracted by their organization.

And the organization is tight.Of course, there is no need to fear the strength of Yiqian's family, it's just a little troublesome.Of course, he wouldn't tell Xiao Xi'er about these things.

"A dangerous character? What will they do to Wei Ya?" Listening to Qian Yuchen's words, Xiao Xi'er was a little nervous.

During the time she was with Wei Ya, although it is hard to say that she has fully understood Wei Ya.But she never misjudged anyone.

Wei Ya has a good temper and will never offend anyone easily.Even if Cheng Bihua said that to her last time, she could bear it as much as she could.In addition, Wei Ya has a well-behaved personality, and she is naughty occasionally, but it doesn't affect anything.

"Don't worry, as far as I know, they probably won't attack women." Although they are the largest gang in j city, they are very organized.Never touch women or children.They would find Xiao Xier's friends, there must be another reason.

"Can you be sure?"

"En." Qian Yuchen nodded, but he was not so sure in his heart.After all, he rarely came into contact with the gang.But he didn't want to see Xiao Xi'er looking too worried.

"I'm still worried, Jinjin, let's look for it too." Sitting here will only make Xiao Xi'er more and more anxious.

"But, your leg..." Yu Xi's leg was already bandaged.But it's such a big hole.Although Jin Jin was worried about Wei Ya, she didn't want to see Xiao Xi'er get injured and go find someone.

"Xiao Xi'er, be good, sit here, brother will inform you as soon as there is news. When you find someone, brother will take you there." Jin Jin was reluctant to let Xiao Xi'er go. As an older brother, of course Qian Yuchen Even more reluctant.He coaxed in a soft voice.


"Brother promises that he will be found within an hour." Now that he knows the license plate number, one hour is enough for him to find the person and the car.

"Well, okay." I was too impulsive, just now, I knew that I would not smash the vase, and I would smash it farther away, why did I just smash my own feet...

The two largest forces in the entire J City started a search without any dead ends.Qian Yuchen has a good network of contacts, and there are people in various places in j city. The news about the car with the license plate a1191 and the places it passed by were continuously sent to Qian Yuchen's mobile phone.

Looking at these sent photos, Qian Yuchen has already determined the specific direction of the car.No longer staying in the company waiting for news, but holding Xiao Xi'er and heading towards the known direction.

(End of this chapter)

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