Chapter 228
"Be grateful, Young Master Yan has shown mercy." After finishing speaking, Chu Fengxing had already taken a big knife, and quickly chopped off two arms.

Looking at this scene, Yan Bai didn't even kill a single eye.He has long been used to such scenes.

Both arms were chopped off.Sha Jue yelled "Ah", and then fell into a coma.

Soon someone dragged Killer out and wiped away the blood in the house.

"What is the identity of that Lian Yuxi? Knowing my identity in the J gang, she brought someone to beat me up yesterday, and it still hurts now. Look at my head injury, it's all because of her iron chain It was smoked." Chu Fengxing complained to Yan Bai, pointing to the wound on his forehead.

The person brought yesterday was the president of Chenyu Group, and he knew him.And that Lian Yuxi had such a close relationship with him, it really made people doubt her identity.

It doesn't matter if she has something to do with the president of Chenyu Group, but today Yan Bai actually appeared for her again, how much face does she have.

However, Yan Bai just glanced at Chu Fengxing coldly, and hummed softly, "Don't touch her."

"Okay, don't move her, don't move her. Then can you tell me what relationship you have with her?" Let's not talk about his promise to Wei Ya yesterday, and let's talk about Yan Bai's impulsive appearance because of her today.Chu Fengxing will not make things difficult for him.Offending Yan Bai is absolutely dead.

"Friend." Yan Bai said.

"Friend? Forget it. If you say a friend is a friend." If you want to ask something different from Yan Bai, it will be as difficult as reaching the sky.

"Does she like to play this game?" Yan Bai skipped the topic, and of course the game he was referring to was Taohuayuan.

"How do I know this. But I participated in the competitive competition in the past, so I probably like to play." Chu Fengxing guessed.

"I see."

"No, you're not going to play this game, are you?" Chu Fengxing asked in surprise.


I'm used to seeing Yan Bai's cold and serious appearance, but if I saw Yan Bai playing games... that scene appeared in Chu Fengxing's mind, it would be too out of harmony!
"Baibai, you've changed..." Chu Fengxing patted Yan Bai's shoulder and sighed.

Yan Bai raised his eyebrows slightly, but did not speak.

"It's getting late, I won't accompany you, go back first." After speaking, Chu Fengxing turned around and left.When he walked to the door, he lit up his voice and sang: "If this is not love..."


Xiao Xier's 10:[-] live broadcast started on time.Originally, the extermination could be cancelled, but after thinking about it, it was only [-] minutes, and it passed in a flash.

Xiao Xi'er's live broadcast made all the netizens in the forum startled.

If it were someone else who played live games live on the forum, they would definitely download a beauty device in advance.

No one knows how to use the live broadcaster that comes with the forum.No matter how beautiful people are, they can't stand this "demon mirror."

But Xiao Xi'er doesn't use this thing, she has 100% trust in her appearance.

"Oh my god, this little Xi'er is too pretty, isn't she?"

"A live broadcast that doesn't use beauty??"

"My god, what a goddess! Others would die at the sight of light, but Xiao Xi'er herself is too beautiful!"

"I still didn't believe the previous live broadcast of Killing Jue. I didn't expect him to actually post a picture. Such a beautiful beauty was actually pictured like that by him. It's disgusting!"

(End of this chapter)

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