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Chapter 234 How to get it done?

Chapter 234 How to get it done?

"Well, I see." Xiao Xi'er nodded.Facing the current Cheng Bihua, she should indeed be cautious.

Speaking of which, it is not easy to really want to get Cheng Bihua now.The Cheng Group is no different than the Cheng Group ten years ago.Apart from the five major families, the Cheng family can be ranked among the top three in this world.

Moreover, the Cheng family has even more momentum now. Everyone knows that the Ye family is the backer of Cheng's group, and the relationship between the two families is very close.If you really want to suppress Cheng Shi, Ye Shi will definitely come forward.

Although Xiao Xi'er and Ye's relationship is good, but in terms of family intimacy, Xiao Xi'er and Ye's really don't have much intersection, whether it's business or other.If you want to deal with it, I'm afraid you will lose eight thousand soldiers.

Of course, if Cheng Bihua did something too extreme, there would be a Lian Shi behind Qian Shi...

However, Xiao Xi'er didn't care too much about Cheng's Group. In fact, there was only one Cheng Bihua who needed to be serious.

"That girl is too arrogant!" Qian Yuyu said dissatisfied.

"What can I do, she is Cheng's favorite. What can you do with her?" Xiao Xi'er said helplessly, spreading her hands.Speaking of which, Yu Yu Asagi's current status is also a commoner, and it is said that he still has half a year to recover his status.

Although Asaha Yuu hasn't made much progress in the past two years.

"Tsk, it's just a Cheng family, what's there to be arrogant about!" Qian Yuyou was completely dismissive of Cheng Bihua's identity.

When it comes to arrogance, Yuu Asagi puts it second, but no one really dares to say first.

"Let's go, go back to class." Although Yuu Asagi was right, after all, his identity was there.But Xiao Xier simply doesn't want to pay attention to such a proud brother...

Now that it was known that Cheng Bihua did it, it would be difficult to pursue it.

Cheng Bihua was not born to make friends. He had never put on a good face for anyone since he came to school, and he always looked superior to everyone, as if someone owed her millions.This point has not changed from before.

"Yuxi Yuxi, the man published in the newspaper today is the president of the Chenyu Group, do you really have anything to do with him?" As soon as Xiao Xier returned to class, a girl ran over to her and asked gossip road.

"Yes, I have an unusual relationship with him." Since this matter can't be suppressed, it's better to admit the relationship in a high-profile manner.

No one would believe it anyway.

Hearing Xiao Xier's affirmation, the girl who came to gossip became even more excited. "Oh my god, Yuxi, then you are too powerful! I heard that the president of Chenyu Group is very difficult to deal with! He has never been close to women, how did you manage to deal with him?"

Although some people "dismissed" Xiao Xi'er's incident, and even looked down upon it.However, there are still many people who are envious.It felt like Lian Yuxi hugged her thigh.

If Lian Yuxi really fell in love with such a handsome and wealthy CEO, he would fly on a branch and become a phoenix!Although the other party may be ten years older, in today's society, these are not problems at all.

"How can I handle him? How else can I handle it? Act like a baby, and just say a few words sweetly." Anyway, that's how I handle my brother. As for how others can handle it... Then she doesn't know...

"Is it as simple as that?" The girl couldn't believe it, obviously the legendary president didn't look like an easy person to dismiss.

(End of this chapter)

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