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Chapter 239 Not Surnamed Lian?

Chapter 239 Not Surnamed Lian?
"Isn't the surname Lian? What's the surname? But just because her surname is not Lian? So this is good news?" Suhang didn't know how good the news was.

"Her surname is Asahi, and her real name is Asahi Yuki."

"Surname Qian? The light-colored one?" Hearing this surname, Suhang suddenly felt something was wrong...

"That's right, that's right! Of the people I showed you yesterday who were with her, you must know one of them. It's the most famous pianist in Asia, Qian Yuling. One jump. Guess what, I will continue to investigate. It took a little effort to investigate the president of Chenyu Group, but I still found it. I found out that his surname is also Qian, and his name is Qian Yuchen! Also, And..."

"I know the other one is called Qian Yuyu, it's from our school. Don't tell me, the other one is also named Qian Yu, and is also called Qian Yu or something?" Before the other side could finish speaking, Su Hang asked first.My heart skipped a beat.

If that's the case, it's too fucking embarrassing!
"That's right, you know that too! His surname is also Qian, and his name is Qian Yuling! According to my inference, they are either brothers and sisters or cousins! A proper relationship!"

"Every fucking idiot knows this, and I still need you to tell me!" Qian Yuchen, Qian Yuxuan, Qian Yuling, Qian Yuyou, and Qian Yuxi, who else can't tell that this is a brother-sister relationship!
"Uh... Boss, then... is this good news?" The other end asked cautiously.At least confirm that the other party is a good girl!
A few days ago, I heard that the boss was going to investigate this woman, and his tone clearly indicated that he had found a new target.

Then when the boss saw the photos he had found, tsk, that tone was like someone owed him hundreds of millions!Obviously unhappy.But now that they know that they are siblings, they must be very happy!

"Good news? Are you a fucking pig? Why the fuck do I leave this matter to you, a pig? Are you going to die if you tell me these two news at the same time! The identities of the two men have been investigated and Yuxi’s identity has been investigated. Will you die if you tell me! You fucking tell me this news now, there is a ghost! Don’t let me meet you in China, and hit you once. You once. Get lost, idiot!" After speaking, Su Hang hung up the phone directly...

Over there, I can only sigh to the "beep beep" phone: "Hey, boss, you are angry, how can you curse people! In fact, I still have a piece of news that I haven't told you. The identity of Qian Yuxi is not the same. It's simple. But you call me a pig, I won't tell you the fuck, cut..."

It can be said that Suhang is so angry that he vomits blood, what is this?What the hell is this?

He actually misunderstood Yu Xi as that kind of woman!Oh my god...Thinking about what I said before...it's just...a wretched pervert!Where has all his gentlemanly demeanor gone!
Looking back, when Yu Xi said 200 million a day, it was obviously a satire, why didn't I hear it.He actually said that he would buy her for 200 million overnight and threatened her?It's over, now it's over...

The more I think about it, the more I find it unbearable... Those words actually came from my own mouth... or to the sweetheart I want to pursue...

Now Yu Xi wanted to hate herself to death.

(End of this chapter)

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