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Chapter 251 Sugar Girl

Chapter 251 Sugar Girl

"Okay, let's go together." Xiao Xi'er nodded, and happened to have a companion on the way.

"I asked the driver to come over, we can go together." Mu Qianshu said.

Originally, his unlucky sister asked him to pick her up, and he was still a little reluctant.It's not that I'm not close to this sister, but because the relationship is so good, so going to the airport to pick up someone is like going to the execution ground.

But I don't know why, when I heard Yu Xi said that she was going to the airport, it seemed that going to the airport was not a hard job.

The airport seems to be so crowded every day.

But there is one place that is particularly eye-catching.

In the waiting area of ​​the airport, Mu Tangtang was holding a suitcase in one hand.Wearing a white peaked cap, short beige hair looks extra refreshing.A pair of black sunglasses covered half of his face.Chewing gum, blowing bubbles from time to time.Wearing a black plaid shirt, he slumped lazily on a chair.

From a distance, it is impossible to tell whether it is a man or a woman.

"It's so slow, why haven't you come yet?" Mu Tangtang looked at his watch, 5 minutes had passed since the agreed time.A little anxious personality, even if you wait for an extra 5 minutes, you will find it difficult.

Mu Tangtang stood up from the chair, poked her head forward, trying to see the person who came to pick her up.

"I said Miss, the young master said that he will arrive in 5 minutes, so just wait patiently." The young butler beside him said.Knowing that this young lady of my family has a restless personality, waiting a few minutes longer is like killing her.

"Who said I was waiting for him! He was not the only one who came to pick me up."

"Miss, do you have friends in China?" The lady grew up abroad, and she has never heard of anyone she knows in China.

"Of course! My best friend is in China, otherwise I wouldn't be bothered to come back! How boring it is to be alone in China! And how many times have I said, don't call me Miss, call me Young Master, call me Eldest young master, look at my handsome appearance, is it appropriate for you to be called Miss!" After finishing speaking, Mu Tangtang pointed at his attire.

Although her name is Mu Tangtang Tiantian, she has been a tomboy since she was a child.She felt that her personality and her brother's gender could be completely reversed.

"Even if I call you young master, I can only call you second young master. You have a brother above you." The housekeeper continued to complain.

"All right, all right, you'd better keep your mouth shut. Why do you talk more than I do." Didn't it just pop out of your stomach a few minutes later!Just let yourself have an extra cheap brother!

"Sugar Girl~"

After she finished speaking, Mu Tangtang heard a malicious voice from behind, calling herself "Tang girl."

She knew who it was from such a crisp voice, but she couldn't turn her head away.

You must know that she is dressed as a man now, if she just turns around like this, these people around the airport will know her nickname.You say a 'man' is called a sugar girl, is that appropriate!

She could only pretend to look at the surrounding scenery, and then whistled, with an expression of not knowing who "sugar girl" was.

It's a pity that she was destroyed just as soon as she deliberately looked at the scenery.

"Second Young Master, someone called you." The butler at the side spoke again.The sound is neither loud nor low, but it allows people around to hear clearly.

 The new role female No. [-] appears~
(End of this chapter)

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