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Chapter 267 The Wounded Wrist

Chapter 267 The Wounded Wrist

"Yu Xi, where did you learn all your martial arts? No wonder you dared to go to Chu Fengxing without fear at that time, and dared to give him a hammer." Mu Qianshu became more and more interested in Xiao Xi'er .It is really unexpected that such a great ability is hidden in such a small body.

When Wei Jinjin and Lan Weiya described Xiao Xier's bravery to him last weekend, he didn't quite believe it, but now he completely believes it.

"Mostly it was taught by my brothers, as well as the martial arts teacher." Xiao Xi'er replied.With Cheng Bihua doing this today, my cute loli image will completely collapse and become a violent loli...

"How is your hand?" Without waiting for Mu Qianshu to say anything else, Yan Bai stepped forward, raised Xiao Xi'er's wrist and asked.He discovered it when he was fighting Cheng Bihua before.Xiao Xier exerted too much force on her right wrist.

"No, it's okay, hiss—" Xiao Xi'er wanted to withdraw her hand, but she didn't expect Yan Bai to hold it tightly, and before she retracted her hand, she was dragged to a painful place.

"Are you injured? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Seeing Xiao Xi'er's expression, Mu Qianshu asked quickly.Any fool could tell that Xiao Xi'er was injured.

"No need." Xiao Xi'er shook her head, wondering how did Yan Bai know that her wrist was injured?Obviously, he has behaved naturally.Neither Mu Qianshu nor Ye Ziyue noticed.

"I also said there's no need, if you don't receive treatment quickly, you won't be able to recover in a month." After finishing speaking, Yan Bai pushed up Xiao Xi'er's sleeve.Sure enough, his right wrist was already bruised a lot.Yan Bai frowned slightly, as if he felt distressed.

"It's really not necessary. Go back and apply ice cubes to this small injury. It will be fine in two days. I'm not so delicate."



Xiao Xi'er had just finished speaking when two voices rang out at the same time.One is from Yan Bai, and the other is from Mu Qianshu.

"You two really have a tacit understanding..." Looking at the firm expressions of the two, Xiao Xi'er twitched the corners of her mouth in embarrassment.But she herself didn't think the injury on her hand was such a great injury.

"Don't move around, I will help you with the medicine later." Yan Bai rubbed Xiao Xi'er's wrist with extremely gentle movements.


The relationship between these two people is really good.Looking at this scene, Mu Qianshu actually felt a little uncomfortable.

"Ahem, there should be ice cubes here, I'll go find some." Mu Qianshu said to avoid the embarrassment of standing here alone.This martial arts hall is so big, it should prepare some ice cubes for emergencies.

"Yeah." Yan Bai nodded, he really needed some ice cubes at this time.Turning her head to Xiao Xi'er again, she said, "You rest here for a while, and I'll get you medicine." Ice cubes are not enough.

"Okay." Just in time, I was a little tired from the fight just now, so I need to take a rest.I didn't feel any pain in my wrist just now, why is it so painful now...

Not long after, Mu Qianshu found ice cubes in the Budokan.Then squatted down and applied it on Xiao Xi'er's wrist.

Mu Qianshu suddenly found that he didn't feel disgusted by the close contact with Xiao Xi'er.

And Xiao Xi'er touched the ice, and couldn't help exclaiming: "It's so ice."

"Be patient, it will be fine in a while."

Perhaps because of the ice cubes, the burning pain disappeared after a while.But the bruises on the wrist are too big, I'm afraid a few ice cubes are useless.

(End of this chapter)

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