Sweet green plum please sign

Chapter 269 1 Must Go

Chapter 269 Must go

No matter how "heart-piercing" Yi Jian cried in the back, Yan Bai over there still chose to completely block the sound.

He knew the magic of the cream, which was absolutely incomparable to ordinary medicines. Using this could make Xiao Xier's sprain recover faster.As for the millions... When did he see it?

"Oh, prodigal son, what a prodigal son." Yan Bai had already walked away, Jian Jian could only shake his head and sigh.The young master of their family is really worrying, forget it, it's all Yan Bai's anyway, let him waste it.

After a while, Yan Bai drove back.

Mu Qianshu was helping Xiao Xi'er apply ice cubes to her hands.Seeing Yan Bai coming, he got up and made room for Yan Bai.

Yan Bai opened the lid of the bottle containing the medicine, and there was a white paste inside.Exudes a faint fragrance, smelling very comfortable.

"What is this? It smells so good." Seeing the paste, Xiao Xi'er couldn't help asking.After all, most of the plasters have a pungent and unpleasant smell of traditional Chinese medicine, which makes it uncomfortable to use.But the bottle of medicine that Yan Bai brought has a delicate fragrance, more like the smell of flowers.

"The ointment is also very effective for sprains." Yan Bai picked up a cotton swab while talking, and applied the ointment on Xiao Xi'er's wrist.

"Snow cream, I don't seem to have heard of it. But it seems to be good to use." When it is applied on the hands, it feels cool, and it seems to have a pain-relieving effect. Compared with the swelling and uncomfortable pain before, it seems to have disappeared now.This stuff shouldn't be cheap, right?
"Apply it twice a day, and it should be cured in about a week." After applying the medicine, Yan Bai closed the bottle cap.Put the medicine in Xiao Xi'er's other hand.

"One week? It's so effective?" I should have sprained my hand, right?Generally speaking, it takes at least a month to recover. Although I have the best doctor, it will take at least half a month.But Yan Bai always keeps his word, so he will definitely not deceive himself.

"Well, if the medicine is not enough, you can come to me to get it again." Yan Bai has used this kind of cream many times, so he is sure that it will be cured within a week.

"Enough is enough, but your medicine is really miraculous. My wrist doesn't hurt anymore, and I feel... that I can play games." After finishing speaking, Xiao Xier moved her wrist, and found that it was not her own illusion, she really It doesn't hurt at all.

"Don't move around, this medicine has the effect of paralyzing pain-sensing nerves. But a sprain is still a sprain." Yan Bai held Xiao Xi'er's hand to prevent Xiao Xi'er from not treating the sprain as an injury.

"Understood." Xiao Xi'er stuck out her tongue, and she could still hold it back for just a week.But I just didn't expect Yan Bai to be so good at taking care of people.

"It's getting late, I'll take you back to the dormitory to rest." The wound on his wrist has been healed, Yan Bai looked at the sky outside, it seemed that it was beginning to get dark.

"Time! Oh, it's already six o'clock. Yan Bai, let's find a restaurant to have dinner quickly. The concert will start at eight o'clock!" Speaking of the time, Xiao Xi'er just remembered that there is still a concert to watch tonight.

"You have an injury on your wrist, you can go to the concert anytime, and go back today and have a good rest." A concert is more important than Xiao Xier's body, naturally Xiao Xier's body is more important.

"The injury on my wrist won't affect my going to the concert. Let's go, let's go to dinner first." Since we agreed to go to the concert, we must go.

(End of this chapter)

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