Sweet green plum please sign

Chapter 276 Discovered

Chapter 276 Discovered

"Boyfriend? What are you talking about!" Listening to Tangtang's words, Xiao Xi'er covered Tangtang's mouth.This girl really thinks of herself as a man...

"Don't be shy, Xiao Xi'er. I'm sorry, my girlfriend is like this, timid and shy, always unwilling to admit our relationship." Tangtang moved Xiao Xi'er's hand away, and said to Yan Bai in a bad manner .

"She has a wound on her wrist, don't touch her." Yan Bai didn't care what Mu Tangtang said before.Because he could tell at a glance that Mu Tangtang was a woman.But seeing her moving Xiao Xi'er's hand, she quickly stopped her.

"Injured? What's the matter?" Hearing Yan Bai's words, Mu Tangtang quickly turned her gaze to Xiao Xi'er's wrist.Found that there is indeed a piece of green.

"It's just a sprain, it's fine." Xiao Xi'er withdrew her hand and hid it behind her back.

"Why didn't you say it earlier, I... didn't hurt you, did I?" Tangtang said with a little apology on his face.

"No." Xiao Xi'er shook her head, then looked at Yan Bai and said, "You go back first. What this guy said just now was a joke, don't take it to heart."

"Well, have a good rest." Yan Bai nodded, then turned around, got in the car and left.

"This guy is so cold." After Yan Bai left, Tangtang couldn't help puffing up his mouth.

She said something to Yan Bai just now, but Yan Bai didn't pay him much attention, he just glanced at her.Then he saw that he touched Xiao Xi'er's hand before he said a word miserly.She had never seen such a cold guy.

"Well, so indifferent. When he heard you say that you are my boyfriend just now, he didn't respond at all..." Xiao Xi'er didn't know why, but she felt a little depressed in her heart.Even if they are just ordinary friends, they should have a surprised expression when they find out that the other party has a boyfriend, right?
"Why, you want him to react?" Xiao Xi'er actually cared about this, as if she had discovered something serious.

"What are you thinking about all day long, can't you just learn from your brother?" Obviously they are twin siblings, and the difference is too great.

"Like my brother? Damn, how can I have three thousand beauties in the harem after imitating him!"

"Also, don't say anything like that about your boyfriend in the future! I don't want to be regarded as gay." Xiao Xi'er said again.After everyone knows that Tangtang is a girl, what will others think of herself!

"I'm pretty handsome anyway, and it's not shameful to be with me." Tangtang curled her lips, dissatisfied.



"Boss, she lives at No. [-] Beihuan Road, she was just followed."

There are two people inside the white Porsche.A driver was driving, and another person was wearing a mask, holding a binoculars in one hand, and talking to the other end of the phone with a mobile phone in the other.


Before the phone was finished, the driver slammed on the brakes.The head of the man who was talking on the phone hit the windshield with a bang.The mobile phone also fell to the ground and was smashed to pieces.

"You're fucking looking for death, brake suddenly!" The man rubbed his painful head and cursed at the driver.

"No, it's not... The car we were following just now, it, it suddenly blocked our way." The driver pointed to Yan Bai's driveway that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Oops, we were found to be following them." The man slapped his thigh angrily, as if he thought that their previous tracking was impeccable.

 According to Qianqian's previous writing style, the hero is usually decided very late, and I want to take my time in this text.But seeing that everyone was so anxious for me to choose the male lead, Qianqian tentatively decided on the most popular Yan Bai.If there is no accident, the leading actor will be Yan Bai.But even if the male lead is tentatively appointed, the plot of Ye Zi and Qian Shu will not be reduced.Readers who like these two characters don't have to worry that I will delete the plot.Also regarding the role of Cheng Bihua, Qianqian originally planned to let her be bad until the end, but I saw many readers left messages saying that they wanted her to become better, so I would like to ask everyone for their opinions, whether to support the change for the better or the worse.I will write according to everyone's opinions.And the three characters of Tangtangjin Jinweiya will not betray Xiao Xier.

(End of this chapter)

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