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Chapter 283 No Exams

Chapter 283 No Exams

Although Tangtang wears a neutral dress every day, she is a woman after all, with a height of 1.7 meters, she is naturally considered tall among women.But if you throw it among men, wouldn't you be short?Especially in front of Yu Asaba, a man with a height of 1.8 meters.

In addition, when he picked up Mu Qiantang just now, he found that this guy was very light, probably not more than a hundred catties, and about the same weight as a woman, and said that the motherfucker Qian Yuyou felt that he was right.

"Who are you calling a sissy! You are a sissy, you are the most sissy!" Tangtang retorted with her hands on her hips.How come I fell in love with this guy!

"I'm too lazy to argue with you so much, I'm like a shrew." Qian Yuyou ignored Tangtang, and couldn't communicate with this guy like a man.

"Ahem, you two quarrel when you meet, can't you live in peace?" Xiao Xi'er looked at Qian Yuyou and Tangtang.Sometimes the two of them quarreled and it was quite a headache.

Sure enough, this is "same" sex repelling each other.If Tangtang hadn't promised that her woman's identity would not be revealed, Xiao Xi'er would really be willing to skip two scenes and tell Qian Yuyu that Tangtang was a girl.

"He first said that I'm only a little handsome!" Tangtang curled her lips in dissatisfaction, her face was full of displeasure.

"Xiao Xi'er, why didn't you go to school today? Isn't there a monthly exam?" Qian Yuyou asked Xiao Xi'er after changing the subject.If I remember correctly, I have to take the exam all day in the second year of high school today, right?
"I don't want to go, I'm sleepy, I want to sleep late." Xiao Xi'er made an excuse.He didn't tell Yu Yu about his wrist injury.Anyway, she sleeps until she wakes up naturally every day, and sleeping lazily is the best excuse, and Yuu Asaba will not doubt it.

"However, isn't the result of the monthly exam related to class placement? If you don't take the exam, you will get zero points. Shouldn't you be assigned to class ten?" Class ten is the last class in the second year of high school.In that class are basically students who are ignorant.

In short, the average score of the tenth class's academic performance is about [-] to [-] points.

"It's okay, there is Wei Ya in class ten." It's enough to have a companion, and I can also tutor Wei Ya's grades by the way.Although Wei Ya looks quite smart, she really didn't expect her homework to be so bad.


"Beep, beep—"

The phone rang suddenly, and the number called was an unknown number.

Xiao Xi'er connected the number, and the teacher's voice came from the other end of the phone immediately: "Lian Yuxi, what's the matter with you? It's been 10 minutes since the exam time, why haven't you come to school yet!"

Hearing the voice, Xiao Xi'er hastily moved the phone half a meter away. The voice was too loud, and the tone of the head teacher was too fierce.

"Well, I don't feel well, so I won't go to school today." Xiao Xi'er replied.

"I'm not feeling well? Is it serious? If it's not serious, come and take the test right away. If you're 10 minutes late, you won't be eligible to enter the test room! Did you hear that?"

As the class teacher, I am also anxious, Lian Yuxi's grades are so good, if she doesn't come to take the exam, she will go to class ten.Usually it's okay to be late, but you must not be careless in the exam!She doesn't want one less student with good grades in her class...

"Lian Yuxi, your illness is a bit troublesome and you need to undergo surgery." Just as Xiao Xi'er was depressed about how to deal with it, Tangtang cleared her throat on purpose, pretending to be a doctor and shouting at Xiao Xi'er.

(End of this chapter)

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