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Chapter 289 Can You Escape?

Chapter 289 Can You Escape?

"This pen is out of water." Xiao Xier said as she handed the pen back to the courier.

The courier took the pen with a depressed face: "I'll give it a try."

Xiao Xi'er didn't have too many doubts, the courier took the pen and shook the pen vigorously.I thought the courier would try to draw twice on the courier slip with that pen.Unexpectedly, after the courier flicked the pen twice, he pointed the pen tip at Xiao Xi'er's arm and pierced it.

Xiao Xier was startled and quickly dodged.But because she was too close to the courier station.Although he dodged, his arm was still pierced by the sharp pen core.

Looking down at his arm, a wound three centimeters long appeared on the tender white skin.

It's a pity that Xiao Xi'er doesn't have so much time to pay attention to her arms.The courier picked up the pen again, ready to continue to stab at Xiao Xi'er.

It was only then that Xiao Xi'er noticed that the pen in the courier's hand had turned into a needle tube, which should have been replaced when he shook the pen.So it wasn't the pen core that pierced her just now, but the needle!This is not good...

She has a wound on her wrist and has little strength.And another numbness in the arm.The needle should have been coated with medicine.Xiao Xi'er didn't intend to get entangled with him.After all, the needle was extremely threatening to her.

Xiao Xi'er quickly took a few steps back, and there was another door behind the entrance.Ignoring the pain in her wrist, Xiao Xi'er pushed the door of the entrance, preparing to lock the courier out of the entrance.

It's a pity that the distance between her and the courier is not far after all, and she was stopped when the door was half closed.At the same time, through the half of the door, she saw another group of people getting off the truck outside, walking towards this side.

To close the door again can only compete with whoever is stronger.But if you want to simply compare strength, even if she is not injured, she is not as strong as a man, not to mention that her wrist can't exert so much strength for her.

Xiao Xi'er has self-knowledge, so she doesn't intend to waste her energy on this, and the group of people who are still a few meters away from her now, and the group of people who will come a few seconds later, will not be completely ruined Got fish for someone else's plate?
Xiao Xier ignored the entrance door, turned around and ran upstairs to the second floor. Her only advantage now is probably that she is more familiar with the terrain of her own home.

As soon as Xiao Xi'er ran, the door at the entrance was opened vigorously by the courier, and he ran towards Xiao Xi'er with a needle in his hand.

And Xiao Xier didn't distance herself from the courier much, so she could only pick up what was in the house while running, throwing the things she could afford at the courier.

The courier behind was only trying to catch Xiao Xi'er, but he didn't pay attention to the thing that Xiao Xi'er dropped, and he just carried it down without frowning.

Just because the courier had resisted, the distance between Xiao Xi'er and the courier still didn't get much closer.

Finally, Xiao Xi'er ran to the second floor, and the door was blocked halfway as before.

"I can only fight recklessly." Xiao Xi'er didn't compete with the courier, and took two steps back to keep a little distance from the courier.

Seeing that Xiao Xi'er had nowhere to run, the courier stopped chasing her.

In the room, it can already be said to be a blind spot.

The group of people behind also came.Xiao Xier did some calculations, and there were a total of eight couriers, all wearing hats.

(End of this chapter)

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