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Chapter 292 Move everything I can

Chapter 292 Move everything I can
Although Xiao Xi'er couldn't move, she could clearly hear what these people were saying.Ever since she was a child, who dared to whisper such lewd words in her ear?And still speaking to her body.It was so disgusting that I wanted to vomit.

If her body could still move, Xiao Xi'er must have been so angry that her whole body was shaking.She swore that if he dared to touch any part of her body, she would cut him to pieces.

The man's words made the other two look at Xiao Xi'er with lust.Such a big beauty lying here, conscious but unable to move, who wouldn't be excited?

But the leading man gave the three of them a hard look, and slapped the talking man and said: "Do you still want money? We have wasted so much effort, and all three brothers have fallen. You play How to explain to the employer after the end. Besides, wouldn’t it be our turn after the employer’s play? So what are you in a hurry for?”

What the leading man said made Xiao Xi'er so angry that she wished she could roll her eyes and pass out.

Originally thought that the members of the Oriental Orchestra were upset because they were rejected by him, and wanted to tie him up and beat him up to vent his anger.But she didn't expect that they were going to do such a thing to her... She would rather have her arms and legs broken than be defiled by such a person.

After living for more than ten years, Xiao Xi'er has never encountered such a disgusting thing.

"It's getting late, you guys quickly carry her to the car." Seeing that they were tied up, the leading man ordered the three people again.

"Do you want to bring some valuable things back? I think there are a lot of valuable things here." Extra money, who doesn't like to make money?It was worth the vote today.There are not only beauties, but also so many good things.

The leading man listened and looked around.It really shines everywhere.What kind of vases, paintings, they seem to be very valuable, so they nodded in agreement and said: "Be quick and move everything you can."

Looks like I made a lot of money today.

The leading man agreed, and the three of them immediately started to act.Seeing these people rummaging through boxes and cabinets in her room, Xiao Xi'er couldn't hold back her anger.These people are too greedy!

"Damn, boss, look what I found! Treasure house, treasure house!" Only one of them shouted suddenly.

He opened the drawer under Xiao Xier's dresser.The various necklaces and jewelry inside were all prepared by Lian Yurou, and none of them were above six figures.In addition, Xiao Xi'er's baby caught by Zhou Zhou when she was one year old is also inside.

Many of those jewelry are Xiao Xi'er's favorite, such as the star-shaped blue diamond, the diamond-shaped pink crystal, and the naturally formed human-shaped bloodstone.There is also a sapphire worth [-] million that Qian Mingze gave to me when I was young when I just had teeth... Those are Xiao Xi'er's baby bumps, and Xiao Xi'er even holds them in her hands to play with them from time to time.

"There are so many, are they all real? I don't have any research on these things, so they must be fakes, right?" The leading man was almost blinded by the sight of so many glittering treasures.If these are real treasures, there must be tens of millions, right?
High imitation?Hearing this, Xiao Xi'er wanted to point at a few people's noses and scold them severely.These people are all blind!who is she?She is Asaha Nozomi!Will she use those high imitation things?These bastards took their own baby and said it was a high imitation?

(End of this chapter)

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