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Chapter 304 I Found You

Chapter 304 I Found You

"Hey, this matter really has nothing to do with me, and I didn't instigate it. I don't even know about it." Seeing Qian Yuxi looking at him, Chu Fengxing quickly waved his hands to clear the relationship.

I'm really worried that Asahi Nozomi will think that he is looking for someone to attack her for revenge.

"Why do members of your gang always kidnap women?" Xiao Xi'er asked.It was this guy who kidnapped Wei Ya before, and now his subordinates kidnapped him.Could it be that the J gang has nothing serious to do every day and only makes money by kidnapping people?


"Forget it, what about those people. If I deal with them, you J gang should have no objection?" Xiao Xi'er didn't bother to listen to Chu Fengxing's explanation.I looked around for a while, but unfortunately, I didn't see any of the eight people in the j gang.

"Of course it's no problem. Even if Ms. Qian doesn't deal with these people, we will clear them out with our own hands. Moreover, they violated the rules of the gang, and they are no longer members of our j gang." Now Qian Yuxi, and Lian Yu Ruan Qian Mingze has come, so how can he say no to it?

"You know how to separate the relationship." Xiao Xi'er sneered, they were members of the J gang when they were working, but now something happened, Chu Fengxing immediately kicked them away.

"He who understands current affairs is a hero." Chu Fengxing also laughed.

"Where are people? Why didn't I see them?" It doesn't matter what the J gang is. After all, those who kidnapped themselves did not kidnap in the name of the J gang when they kidnapped, and Xiao Xi'er would not be burned too far.

"They have been monitored by us now, but they don't know it yet. We will wait for you to come, and then let you handle it." After finishing speaking, the big screen not far away suddenly flickered.

What is shown on the screen is a detached house and a large truck that can be seen next to it.

Xiao Xi'er was sure at a glance that the big truck was the one that kidnapped her.And people, should be in that room.

"Where? Take me there!"

A group of people drove to their destination.Although the sky had already darkened, except for the sound of music coming from the room, it was surprisingly quiet outside, no one dared to make a sound without Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou giving orders.

Xiao Xier walked in front, and the people behind followed behind Xiao Xier half a meter away.

Lian Yurou was a little worried, afraid that Xiao Xi'er would be hurt if she went in first.

"Miss Qian, let me go in first." As soon as Xiao Xi'er approached the door, Chu Fengxing stood up and said.This is probably the best chance to pay off the crime, and Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou are watching.

"Yeah." To Xiao Xi'er, it doesn't matter who goes in first.

Chu Fengxing walked in front and knocked hard on the door.At this time, the surprise attack will make people more vigilant.So while the people inside didn't know what happened, they just came by surprise.

"Who, it's late at night, what are you knocking for! Knocking again will chop off your hand!" Chu Fengxing's knocking on the door so hard immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the people inside.The people inside opened the door and cursed.

"Madam, Prince!" As soon as the door opened, the person was startled when he saw the person coming. How many princes of the j gang do you not know?

"Who are you going to chop?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, Prince, I, I didn't do it on purpose, I didn't know it was you who came, please come in quickly, Prince!" Oh my god, when I saw Chu Fengxing, my soul was scared out of my mind, okay? ...

(End of this chapter)

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