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Chapter 311 New Class

Chapter 311 New Class

"I always feel that Ye Ziyue is a bit strange. It seems that she has inexplicable hostility towards you. Did you offend him?" Xiao Xi'er looked at Yan Bai and said.

There are many friends around her, and Ye Ziyue has met many.But only Yan Bai, when he looked at Yan Bai, his eyes were full of hostility, very strong...

"No, I have nothing to do with him." Yan Bai replied.As for why Ye Ziyue was hostile towards him, Yan Bai didn't care.

"Forget it, maybe that guy is just worried about me." Xiao Xi'er didn't think about it that much.

When I arrived at the new class, the class with the highest positive number was indeed different from the class at the end of the crane.

Obviously they are all high school students, but the students in this class are dressed very maturely.

There was even a smell of cigarettes in the class.Look carefully at the floor, there are many cigarette butts and chewing gum that have been trampled flat.

The desks and chairs were covered in graffiti.

Xiao Xier's first impression in class was not very good, but she could barely accept it.

It was already late when she came to school, so she came on time.At this time in class one, almost everyone is here.But there are only a few people in class ten.

"Lian Yuxi and Yan Bai? Why did they come to our class? Aren't their grades very good?"

"Yeah, that's weird. Aren't they students from Class [-]?"

"You don't know. He only took one of the three exams. Two of them got zero points. So he came to our class."

"We are so lucky? Are we in the same class as Xueba?"

Seeing Yan Bai and Xiao Xier find the seats in the last row and sit down, several people began to discuss in twos and threes.

For Yan Bai and Xiao Xi'er, most people still welcome them.Not only can they raise the average score in their class, but they are also handsome and beautiful.

"The head teacher is here!"

I don't know who yelled in the class, and several students quickly found their seats and sat upright as if in a panic, without saying anything more.

In addition to the students in the class, many students ran in from outside at the same time, and they all found their seats and sat down.

The previously empty classroom was filled with seats in an instant.

"What happened... what happened..." Xiao Xi'er was taken aback, looking at the class that was completely silent for a moment, she felt that this class teacher was not simple...

"Well, they're all here. Everyone performed very well today. There's no need to punish me for copying." Before it was too late, the head teacher had already appeared in the class holding a pile of textbooks.

The head teacher was a middle-aged woman about 30 years old.With a pair of dark eyes, his face was expressionless and extremely serious.

Others said that the head teacher of Class [-] was like a Mrs. Miejue.But judging from the appearance, Xiao Xi'er felt that the head teacher in front of her was more like...

"Are you two new here?" The class teacher obviously noticed Xiao Xi'er and Yan Bai, and pointed at Xiao Xi'er and Yan Bai.

Xiao Xier nodded.

"Let me introduce myself." The head teacher said again.

"Hi everyone, my name is Lian Yuxi." Xiao Xi'er stood up and announced her name.

"You are Lian Yuxi. I see, please sit down. The student next to you is Yan Bai, right? You two only came to my class because you only took one math test. But don't think that you are from The students from the first class can be lazy in my class." The head teacher looked at Xiao Xi'er and Yan Bai with a serious face and said.

She really looks more like Miejue Shitai than the head teacher of class one...

(End of this chapter)

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