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Chapter 332 Pretending to be a Girlfriend

Chapter 332 Pretending to be a Girlfriend
Mu Qianshu was stunned, and asked him to bring Lian Yuxi?Isn't this a little overpowering?

"Can't you bring it back? You can't even bring your girlfriend home, so what kind of girlfriend is that?" I knew that this kid was just looking for an excuse to lie to me, and I really couldn't stand the knock.

"I haven't been with her for a long time. It's a bit too abrupt to bring her back now." Taking Lian Yuxi as his shield, Mu Qianshu felt that he had already felt sorry for her.Do you want people to accompany you to act?I always feel a little too much...

"Tsk, boy. The pace of young people is fast now. If you don't bring someone home tomorrow to show me, I will immediately arrange for you to meet with that young lady of Qian's family!" She didn't care so much, and forced her son to Liangshan Besides.


"It's useless to call mom!"

"I'll bring her back this weekend. At least let her be mentally prepared." It seems that this matter needs to be discussed with Yu Xi.I feel a little sorry for her, but I have no choice but to ask her, after all, I don't feel disgusted only when I touch her.

For a woman's touch, he avoids reflexively.I just want to pretend to be nice to a certain girl, but I can't pretend.

"Okay, then I'll wait." In such a short time, she couldn't believe that her son could find a girlfriend from somewhere.


"So, what you mean is that you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend?" After listening to Mu Qianshu's story, Xiao Xi'er finally understood what Mu Qianshu was talking about.

Unexpectedly, Tangtang was forced to choose one of her brothers, and Mu Qianshu had the same fate.Just don't know who the other girl is?

Mu Qianshu didn't reveal her identity to Xiao Xi'er, and thought that Xiao Xi'er didn't know her identity.So she didn't confess to Xiao Xi'er who she wanted to marry.

Otherwise, Xiao Xi'er should go back to Lian Yurou and Qian Mingze to question her.

"Well, so are you willing to do me this favor?" Mu Qianshu asked.

"Well, but... I've never been in a relationship. I don't know how to play the role of girlfriend." Of course it's okay to help, but I can't guarantee if I can help, help.

"But it's time to play it by ear. My mother is very easy to deal with, so don't worry too much."

"Okay." Actually, it's not a big deal, I will go to Mu Qianshu's house on the weekend, meet his mother, say a few words, and then it will be over.

After all, she is the mistress of the Mu family, so it is impossible for her to stay in J city for a long time.

"Well, shall I treat you to dinner tonight?" Looking at the time, he had been in the coffee shop for more than an hour.It's almost time for dinner.

"No need, Yan Bai and I have already made an appointment." Xiao Xi'er got up, and before coming to the coffee shop, Yan Bai had already mentioned the matter of having dinner together at night.

Xiao Xier has always kept her promise.

"You have a really good relationship with Yan Bai." Thinking about the fact that Yu Xi didn't come to school for half a month, that Yan Bai never came either.


While talking, Xiao Xier's cell phone rang again.

Xiao Xi'er thought it was Yan Bai calling, after all it was time for dinner.But when he picked up the phone, he found that the caller was Wei Ya.

Xiao Xier connected the phone, but the voice over there was a bit mixed, as if many people were talking.But even so, Xiao Xier still clearly heard Wei Ya's voice...

"Yuxi...I'm going to die..."

 Thank you, maybe you don’t understand, Hibiscus Ruoyi, Shuangjiaxue, Poisoning i, Pines and Cypresses on the Edge of the Cliff, Xiao Xiongzi, Zimo Light Blue, Island, everyone’s reward and support~ I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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