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Chapter 337 Uncontrollable

Chapter 337 Uncontrollable
Ps: You can skip this chapter if you can't accept men and men, it may cause adverse reactions...

"Male?" Xiao Xi'er was taken aback for a moment, then pricked up her ears to listen carefully.It was indeed a male voice that made the sound.

Xiao Xier sighed, is the other party a female teacher?It's too fierce to force a man to shout like this...

I was thinking of seeing no evil, after all, now that I know what they are doing, I shouldn't be prying into their private lives.However, it was the first time for Xiao Xi'er to encounter such a thing, and curiosity actually drove Xiao Xi'er to observe it.

Xiao Xi'er stretched her neck, stood on her tiptoes, opened her eyes wide, and looked in through the window.

Compared with Xiao Xier, Yan Bai is a little taller, and he saw the scene inside a second earlier than Xiao Xier.

What a man and a woman, this is clearly two men!
Yan Bai's complexion suddenly turned blue and white.He quickly covered Xiao Xi'er's eyes with his hand and said, "Don't look, it's disgusting."

Unfortunately, the action is still a bit late.Xiao Xi'er has completely engraved the picture inside into her mind...

"Two men..." And...she still recognizes these two men.One is a class of students.One is the new class teacher - Xing Ze!Oh My God!
Xiao Xier felt that she couldn't catch her breath.One man and one woman are fine, how could there be two men, this is incredible...

"Don't look, let's go." Yan Bai coaxed softly.

"Let's go, let's go, this kind of scene that is not suitable for young children must not be watched! It hurts the eyes." Xiao Xi'er blushed quickly, turned around and ran away immediately.

But the people inside noticed Yan Bai and Xiao Xier, and the corners of Xingze's mouth slightly twitched: "I was seen."

"Would you like some water?" Yan Bai asked after walking tens of meters away.Seeing Xiao Xi'er's blushing appearance, Yan Bai felt strange in his heart.

"En." Xiao Xi'er nodded.What I saw just now was so exciting that my little heart couldn't accept it.

But she definitely doesn't want to watch the scene of today's scene a second time, it's a bit disgusting.

I found a convenience store and bought two bottles of water.Yan Bai hugged Xiao Xi'er on the passenger seat of the car and let her rest.

Xiao Xi'er drank a few sips of cold water, and the inexplicable nausea disappeared a little.

Speaking of which, Xiao Xi'er and Yan Bai are both too self-conscious.

For so many years, no one has ever told them that having desires is not a dirty thing, normal people have them, so don't take them too seriously.

Of course, Yan Bai and Xiao Xi'er, two emotional idiots, will probably never understand this point.

I was too hungry and my stomach stopped screaming.However, it was almost nine o'clock, and being hungry was not good for the stomach, so I forced myself to eat some food.It was the first time I ate something so unappetizing, and I stopped touching it when my stomach felt a little full.

Send Xiao Xi'er back home.Xiao Xier had greeted Lian Yurou in advance and would come back later, so Lian Yurou was not too worried.

When I went back, the scene in the house seemed a little serious.

Qian Mingze, Lian Yurou, Qian Yuyou and Qian Yuxuan were all sitting in the hall, and everyone had serious expressions.This is not at all like the way they should get along with each other.

Xiao Xier probably guessed that they were discussing about Na.It must be about the marriage with Mu family.

(End of this chapter)

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