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Chapter 355 Otherwise, I Will Really Die

Chapter 355 Otherwise, I Will Really Die

"It's a girl named Gao Ranran. She had a dispute with your friend Lan Weiya that morning. When everyone was away from the drama club in the afternoon, she was..."

"Gao Ranran...it's her again. She is so bold this time that she dared to do such a thing. And she will blame others. If Cheng Bihua knew that she was almost a scapegoat for others, I wonder if she would I won't tear up Gao Ranran first." Xiao Xi'er guessed.

"Miss, this...we don't know. But miss, how do you want to deal with this person who hurt your friend?" No matter what kind of action, as long as the lady says, they will do everything.

"Since it's Gao Ranran, I want to know why she got into an argument with Wei Ya?" It was so serious that it was fatal.

This time when the headlight fell, it was fortunate that it only hit Wei Ya's leg. If it hit other places, wouldn't it be fatal?

"It's because of a protagonist in the drama club. Gao Ranran is not a member of the drama club, but in recent years there have been fewer people in the drama club. For this drama, the director of the drama club invited Gao Ranran to participate in the drama. At the beginning, Gao Ran ran Ran promised to play the second female lead, but who knew that when she learned that Lan Weiya was the first female lead, she insisted on playing the first female lead. And Lan Weiya had already rehearsed for the lead actress in this drama After half a month, she refused. After that, the two had a dispute."

"Just because of this?" Xiao Xi'er couldn't believe it, because of such a trivial matter, she became murderous?

"Well, probably. Another reason is that in one of the scenes, the female number one slaps the female number two. Although it's an acting scene, Gao Ranran probably doesn't want others to see her being slapped... That's why..."

"I see, I'm going to the hospital to see Wei Ya now. How to deal with Gao Ranran, we'll talk about it later." Speaking of which, I haven't been to the hospital to see Wei Ya for a few days.

Let's see how Wei Ya recovers now, and make plans about Gao Ranran later.


"Xiao Xi'er, help me, I'm going to die! This time, you have to help me no matter what you say, you must help me! Otherwise, I'm really going to die!"

As soon as Xiao Xi'er arrived at the hospital, Wei Ya said with snot and tears.If it wasn't for the operation on her leg, she might have got up from the hospital bed and fell into Xiao Xi'er's arms, crying.

"What's the matter with you? What urgent matter happened?" Xiao Xi'er asked helplessly, putting the fruit basket she prepared earlier aside.

"The doctor said that I can't get out of bed and walk for a month, but the New Year's Day school celebration is about to start in a week. As the mainstay of our drama club, I can't perform on stage. The principal said that if I don't have five rehearsals on New Year's Day , Our drama club is about to be abolished!" For Wei Ya, she still has a year and a half to graduate from school, if the drama club is so abolished, what fun does she have in school...

"Abandon the club? It's so serious, can't it?" Xiao Xi'er knew that Wei Ya's dialogue drama club had paid a lot.Wei Ya likes acting, and she probably will go to the entertainment industry in the future.

"Yes, yes, there are only [-] members left in our drama club, and there were not many people. We originally prepared six programs this time. But I took the heroine of two plays, and one play The second female lead. The play of the second female lead can be replaced by others, but the other two are just..."

 Thanks to Magic Alice, Xiong Xiao Co, XSQ Shan, (symbol of love), Liu Lanbing, Looking up at the stars, little ruffian, Jian Xixiao, November, cute girls, everyone for your support~mua~

(End of this chapter)

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