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Chapter 358 Marriage?nonexistent

Chapter 358 Marriage?nonexistent

"Is that all?" Xiao Xi'er was a little skeptical, after all, Mu Qianshu's mother said that she was Mu Qianshu's fiancée, and her tone was affirmative.

"Of course it's just that! Baby, have you met the heir of the Mu family? Is that person not to your liking? It doesn't matter, Mommy will immediately go to Patriarch Mu to push this matter away!"

Although I don't know who disclosed the news to my daughter.But since my daughter already knew about it, and she was still a little unhappy, then let's just brag about it without discussing it!
Compared with Suru's words, Xiao Xi'er of course believes in Lian Yurou's words more.

Presumably, Suru must have said this on purpose to let herself "leave" Mu Qianshu.

I was careless, and I was deceived by her.

"Baby, are you angry? Is it because Mommy didn't tell you this in advance?" Seeing that Xiao Xi'er hadn't spoken, Lian Yurou over there almost ordered her followers to buy her a plane ticket back to China. .

"No, I'm not angry with Mommy. I misunderstood you. I thought you were going to marry me to Mu Qianshu without my knowledge." It was precisely because I thought so that I was in a hurry I ran to the company.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will know that your parents are very fond of you.It's strange that they would do such a thing.

"Baby, Daddy and Mommy will never force you to do anything!" This is an affirmative sentence, even if Qianshi and Lianshi go bankrupt one day, they will never let their daughter marry someone they don't like.

Of course, it is basically impossible for Qianshi and Lianshi to go bankrupt.Even if the last ten generations of the family are all idiots, as long as they are not stupid enough to sign a contract to transfer property to other people's surnames, it is impossible to bankrupt Qianshi Lianshi...

"Thank you, Daddy and Mommy." After listening to Lian Yurou's explanation, Xiao Xi'er felt much more relaxed physically and mentally.

Two things were resolved today, and the murderer who hurt Wei Ya was found.The second is that the marriage is just fiction.It's all fun.

Xiao Xier decided to ask the kitchen to cook two more dishes today.


I don't know how the news that Xiao Xi'er was going to play the heroine of the drama club got out.On the second day, there was a queue at the gate of the drama club that was far from the end.

And 90.00% of them are men!
There are only [-] people in the drama club plus the screenwriter.Among them, there are only six men, obviously not many men like drama.But because of Xiao Xi'er, these people have come to apply to participate in this New Year's Day celebration drama program...

And there are still a few people who have prepared application forms for joining the company...

The drama club was established seven years ago, and everyone thought it was very fresh when it was first established.At that time, the drama club was at its peak, with hundreds of people.After that, it was not as good as the next year.There were only five people who joined the company last year.

It is conceivable that the director of this drama will abolish the agency within two years.

Today, there were not only five, but fifty people who came to hand in their application forms.

The president of the drama club expressed his excitement.He never thought that the drama club would be so popular one day, those people who came to the club would fight for a supporting role, or even a background role...

But although he was very excited, he was threatened by someone holding a stick on his head today...

(End of this chapter)

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