365 Confession
"Ah? What did you say?" Because the voice was too low, Xiao Xi'er was not sure if what she heard was correct.

Is he saying that he likes himself?

"I said, I like you!" Ye Ziyue's voice this time was very crisp as if she had made up her mind.

"Well... Didn't you say you wanted a special gift? Why did you tell me that you like me all of a sudden? Our two childhood sweethearts, of course I know that you like me, and I like you too."

Xiao Xi'er didn't understand what Ye Ziyue meant when she said she liked her.

"Xiao Xi'er, what I mean by liking is not the kind of liking you understand. Another way of saying it is, I love you, the kind of love you want to be with you forever, the kind of love you want you to be my wife. Do you understand?" Ye Ziyue explained seriously.

"Ye, Ye Ziyue, what are you talking about?" Xiao Xi'er felt a little dizzy.Is this a confession?Or was it Ye Ziyue who opened the mouth?

How is this possible, didn't Ye Ziyue see herself as a friend?Why did you suddenly confess to yourself?And what about the kind of love you become my wife?
What is this all about!How could Ye Ziyue come to confess to herself!
"I love you. I want you to be my girlfriend, I want you to marry me!" After such a long time, isn't it obvious enough?
"No, Ye Ziyue, are you kidding me? How is this possible? You love me? How could you suddenly fall in love with me?" How could Ye Ziyue, who has been a buddy for so many years, fall in love with me? What about yourself?
Xiao Xi'er said that she had a dazed face and couldn't figure it out at all.

"I didn't joke with you, and I didn't fall in love with you suddenly. Four years ago, no... Maybe I fell in love with you earlier. It's only in these four years, without you by my side, that I understand My sincerity!" If Xiao Xier hadn't gone to Japan, maybe he still regards Xiao Xier as a friend now.

"Stop talking, I need to calm down and digest..." Ye Ziyue's serious appearance made Xiao Xi'er unable to doubt the authenticity of his words.

"Xiao Xi'er, the gift I want... is that you fall in love with me too." Ye Ziyue tightly held Xiao Xi'er's hand, her eyes were full of seriousness.

"I, I can't respond to your feelings right now... To you, I actually only regard you as a friend..." Xiao Xi'er was in a state of confusion at the moment.It's like my brother suddenly came to tell me that he likes me...

After all, she has concluded that Ye Ziyue is as important as Qian Yuyou.And she never thought that she would be with Ye Ziyue in the future.

"You don't need to respond to me now, I can wait. I can wait as long as you slowly turn your friendship to me into love!" Anyway, I have been waiting for these four years, and the big deal is to let him wait another four years.

As long as the other party is Xiao Xi'er, she can wait for four years.

"Yes, I'm sorry...you'd better not wait for me. I'm not feeling well, so I'll go back first." Xiao Xi'er suddenly withdrew her hand, trying to escape from Ye's house in a panic.

For other people's confession, Xiao Xi'er can easily refuse, but the object is Ye Ziyue's words.She simply can't handle it the way she treats others.

"It still... scared her." Looking at Xiao Xier who was running away, she was obviously rejected by Xiao Xier.

Ye Ziyue lowered her eyes, her eyes were full of loneliness...

(End of this chapter)

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