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Chapter 368 Is there a problem

Chapter 368 Is there a problem

Think about the time when I was kidnapped last time, not to mention the five flowers were tied up, and there was not even a seat...

This time it's a kidnapping.But at least she can sit and have some freedom, so Xiao Xier is not too picky.

Soon, the car arrived at Su's house.

"Go in." One of the eight people said to Xiao Xi'er again.

He saw that Xiao Xi'er was quite safe, so he didn't treat Xiao Xi'er like a prisoner.

Xiao Xier didn't ask for trouble either.This is the second time I've been here, and I'm pretty familiar with it.

There were no more people in the room, and two of the eight people I brought came in, and the remaining six were outside with their bodyguards.

Xiao Xi'er's pace was not fast enough, but she still walked into the hall in a short while.

At this moment Suru is sitting on the sofa, just like the first time we met that day.

Holding a cup of rose tea in her hand, she looked very elegant.There was no more expression on her face, but when she saw Xiao Xi'er, she slightly evoked a mocking smile.

"Sit." Suru pointed to the sofa opposite and said to Xiao Xi'er.

And the two people who came in stood behind Suru.

Xiao Xi'er was naturally not polite, and sat down on the sofa opposite Suru.

And there was a cup of milk tea on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

Suru looked at Xiao Xi'er, and found that she had no scars on her body, her clothes were clean and her hairstyle was neat, it seemed that this girl was still a real person, and she was spared some physical suffering.

"Auntie, it seems that you have a good mood." At this time, you are still drinking tea leisurely.

"For someone who is not worth it, why make yourself unhappy." Suru put down the teacup and smiled.

Xiao Xi'er could easily think of the word "hidden knife in a smile".

"I agree with your words, Auntie. Shouldn't salt be added to this cup of milk tea?" Xiao Xi'er pointed to the milk tea on the table and asked with a smile.

"Don't worry, I personally checked it this time. This cup of milk tea is absolutely fine, you can drink it with confidence."

"I can't rest assured about you. I still won't drink this milk tea." Xiao Xi'er still cherishes this life very much.This Suru invited her over in such a way today, obviously she didn't intend to give herself a good face.

But at this moment, Mu Qianshu was not there.

You must know that a big family like Mu's is similar to our own, and they may become murderous if they don't like it.For Mrs. Mu, it's too easy to hide a person's death.What's more, Xiao Xi'er's identity is still very ordinary now.

Who knows if Suru will feel that she is blocking his son, so she wants to kill herself.

"It's right to be vigilant. I have to say, you are a very smart girl." Unfortunately, smartness is used in the wrong place.

"Thank you for the compliment."

"However, have you ever heard a saying? Smartness is misled by cleverness." Smart girls, but not on the right path, this is an extremely dangerous thing.

"Since everyone is smart, let's get straight to the point." Xiao Xi'er didn't bother to go around with her anymore.

"Okay." Suru agreed.

"There is clearly no engagement between Mu Qianshu and Miss Qian's family, but you lied to me that there is an engagement between them." Xiao Xi'er pointed out Suru's crimes first.

"That's because I want you to leave my son, because you are not worthy of my son at all. But who would have thought that you would play tricks and go to Lian's to confuse this matter." It was really angry,

(End of this chapter)

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