Chapter 371
Even if the bodyguards don't come, there are two people in the room, and there is no way for him to escape.

"Okay, I'll give you half an hour." Anyway, he was about to die.For the sake of being the woman my son likes.Just give her a little sympathy.

"Give her a pen and paper." Suru said to one of the people who pressed Xiao Xi'er's shoulder.

The man immediately prepared pens and paper for Xiao Xier.

However, Xiao Xier had just received the pen and was about to write something casually on the paper.The slight voice from outside reached Xiao Xi'er's ears.

It was the sound of cars and footsteps.

"Auntie, have you done anything that you particularly regret?" Xiao Xi'er said to Suru with a smile instead of writing.

After all, Suru has never learned kung fu, she doesn't have Xiao Xi'er's trained ears.She didn't hear the sound of cars or footsteps outside.

I'm just puzzled, why can this girl still laugh when she is about to die?
Isn't it crazy?

"Auntie, you will regret one thing very soon." Xiao Xi'er said again.

"Will you write it or not? If you don't write it, you will die now." She didn't understand Xiao Xi'er's words, but she was inexplicably very annoyed.

"I am only 16 years old this year. Your daughter is only 17 years old, right? If she is facing the same situation as mine, what would you do?" Xiao Xier ignored Suru's words and continued to ask.

"What exactly do you want to say?" At this point, she doesn't think she can let her go, does she?

"Just asking. I want to know how my mum would react if she found out I was force-fed poison."

"How can you compare with my daughter? Your mother can't compare with me. If someone dares to do this to my daughter, I will kill her alive and remove her from three generations. It's a pity that you were only born in an ordinary My family, I can’t avenge this.” I blame Sheng’s family for being unrepentant and unlucky to meet me.

"Oh, really." The corners of Xiao Xi'er's mouth curved upward.She heard footsteps getting closer.

"Ma'am, it seems that someone is coming outside!" The person who just brought Xiao Xi'er a pen and paper said to Suru.

"Could it be that Qianshu came back?" Now that the voice was very close, Suru also heard the voice outside, and asked worriedly.

"We have already controlled the young master." It is impossible for the young master to come back at this time.

"It's not good ma'am! Qian, Mr. Qian and Mrs. Qian are here! They are bringing a lot of people with them!"

Before Suru had time to ask people to find out who was coming outside, the guards outside immediately ran in to report.

"You mean Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou?" Suru asked.

"Yes, it's them!" The man replied affirmatively.

"He, why are they here? I plan to visit them tomorrow!" I don't know why they came here at this time?But now it's past nine o'clock in the evening.

"Clean up the table and lock this woman into my room. Don't let her run away." The other party is the future in-laws, although they don't know why they came at this time.But she couldn't afford to be negligent.

Soon, the two locked Xiao Xi'er in Suru's room.The milk tea and scented tea on the table were also cleaned up and replaced with other expensive tea,
But before Suru invites Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou in.The gate of the Su residence was broken open by force.

It was Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou who came.

 Parents are finally here!Finally wrote it!It is estimated that if you don’t write about your parents today, you will not be able to sleep all night... But... all eight chapters of today have been updated.Come see the face slapping on time tomorrow~ I learned that many babies have an exam on Monday, so try to finish writing Suru's section tomorrow!Babies who are preparing for the exam, come on and get a good grade in the exam.Babies who have finished their exams are going to have a crazy summer vacation~

  Finally, I would like to thank Changcisheng, (Korean characters), sunshine, Ziyanmoran, (ice cream symbol), XSQshan, Yimeng Zixi for your support~

(End of this chapter)

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