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Chapter 395 The name is too casual

Chapter 395 The name is too casual

Yan Bai's name has a word "白" in it.Doesn't that mean that Yan Bai's name was chosen randomly?

"Who is Yan Bai?"

"Who is Yan Bai?"

Hearing an unfamiliar name, Qian Yuxuan and Qian Yuling asked at the same time.It seems that there is still a tacit understanding.

"It's the Yan Bai who sent me home when I was kidnapped, why are you so excited?" The sudden two voices, not to mention Xiao Xi'er, even Xiao Baibai in his arms were startled .

"So it was him." They had seen Yan Bai before, but they didn't know his name.On the contrary, the name is really a bit unfamiliar.

"That's right, there is also a word Bai in his name." In fact, Xiao Xi'er has always wanted to know Yan Bai's identity and his life experience.His behavior is obviously not like what ordinary people can cultivate.

But why would such a person be in an orphanage as a child?Disappeared for another 12 years?
Xiao Xi'er, the cream that Yan Bai gave him that time, asked someone to remake a box according to the ingredients in the cream.But the production cost is as high as millions.

Such an expensive thing can give myself several sticks at a time.Yan Bai's identity is really confusing.

Even so, Xiao Xi'er didn't bother to investigate him.I think everything is still going with the flow.

After all, she has a very good relationship with Yan Bai, and she doesn't want to ruin this relationship.

"His name Baibai may have other meanings, but you can name the little milk cat Baibai just because of its fur color...that's very casual." Qian Yuling said again.

"It doesn't matter, let's call it Baibai. It's good to have the same character as Baibai. Isn't that right, Baibai." After finishing speaking, Xiao Xi'er looked down at the little milk cat in her arms again.

The little milk cat seemed to feel that Xiao Xier was asking it, and even gave a "meow~" to Xiao Xier.

"So good, Baibai." After saying that, Xiao Xi'er rubbed Xiao Baibai in her arms again.

Xiao Baibai seems very satisfied with the name.

I don't know if it's her own illusion, Qian Yuling always thinks that Xiao Xi'er is not called Baibai because Baibai's hair is white.It's because there is a white in Yan Bai's name, so he is called Bai Bai.When Yan Bai was mentioned, Xiao Xier's expression seemed... different from usual.

"Brother, do you have any dried fish? I want to feed Bai Bai something." Xiao Xi'er teased the cat, and said to Qian Yuxuan without raising her head.

Little Xier really likes this cat.

"It's too small, give it some milk powder to drink, I have cat litter for it, a carpet to sleep on, and food, I'll get it for you in the car." Decided to give a cute little pet When the cat was given to Xiao Xi'er, Qian Yuxuan prepared everything.

"My brother is still so duplicity. He is so arrogant that he doesn't know if sister Nanxun will propose to him in the future." After Qian Yuxuan left, Xiao Xier came to Qian Yuling and shook her head and sighed to Qian Yuling. .

"It's hard to say. Neither of these two people seem to be the ones who will take the initiative to speak. Nanxun is a graceful person. Although his temper is very gentle, he is a person who does more than talks. I am afraid she will never be able to speak." This mouth."

"Hey, no matter what will happen to these two people. I just hope that I can find Bai Shu sooner, so that sister Nanxun's eyes can heal soon." I'm afraid that even if Bai Shu is found, Bai Shu may not be willing to treat her eyes. .

(End of this chapter)

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