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Chapter 418 Do You Need Money?

Chapter 418 Do You Need Money?

That's right, it's the bewitched!That man has an evil spirit, you can't get close to that man!The girl with the money is the protagonist!Just attack her!

The boss stood up and adjusted his state.Unexpectedly, he launched an attack on Xiao Xi'er.

From Yan Bai's point of view, the boss's movements are like slow motion.

Before I let him live, it was because Xiao Xi'er let me let go.And this time he actually did something to Xiao Xi'er, he won't be polite anymore!

But this time Yan Bai didn't have time to make a move.The four bodyguards crouching in the dark appeared at the same time and directly pushed the boss to the ground.

The boss should lament that he once again saved his life.

"Who, who is it...Feng, Fengying, Boss Fengying...?" After being pushed down, the boss hurriedly turned his head to see who it was.But when he turned his head, the person he saw turned out to be his wrestling master, and he almost fainted from fright.

"Fengying, Yueying, the four of you came out in time." Xiao Xi'er said, almost killing the boss, she saw the murderous intent in Yan Bai's eyes.

"Miss, I'm sorry to surprise you." Fengying said.

"Miss?" Hearing Feng Ying's address, the boss quickly glanced at Xiao Xi'er again.Why does Fengying Boss call this girl Miss?Does she have a high status?But isn't Boss Fengying only doing work for Qian's family?
"Fengying, do you know this person?" Xiao Xi'er asked.Just now I seem to have heard this boss call Fengkage the boss of Fengkage.

"He...is my apprentice. Miss, can you deal with it lightly and spare his life..." Fengying bowed her head and said.Just now I saw that Yan Bai had killing intent in his eyes, that's why he came out ahead of time to hold down this idiot, otherwise he didn't know how he died.

This man named Yan Bai was the one whose four gold medal bodyguards couldn't find out.Isn't this idiot going up for a second?

"Apprentice? Why do you have such a money-grubbing apprentice?" Feng Ying was usually so powerful that he never thought that the only failure was this apprentice.

The apprentice who respectfully called his master's bodyguard actually showed off his might in front of him?

"I'm sorry miss, I was the one who taught you poorly. Let him offend you."

"Forget it, you four go down first." She didn't bother to listen to her bodyguard saying sorry one by one.In front of the whole class, she didn't intend to kill anyone.

"Yes, miss!"

After all, the four bodyguards disappeared without a trace.Not even a trace of being there.

And the boss was still lying on the ground.She looked at Xiao Xi'er in panic.

When had he ever seen his master be so respectful to a person?This girl is obviously from the shallow family!And being called Miss, shouldn't it be Miss Qian's family?Damn, but offended people...

"Small, miss, I'm sorry, I don't know Taishan with my eyes. I didn't know that you were my master's master. Your lord has a lot, please let me go this time!" I just heard the master begging her to spare my life , that is to say, if the master does not show up, his end is death?
Oh my god, thinking about it now, I'm sweating all over my body!
"Then, do you still want me to pay for the drink?" Xiao Xi'er returned to the topic, this guy originally planned to make a fortune for himself.

"No, no, no, no, no! The wine is ordinary sorghum wine, no money, no money!" The boss quickly replied.

 ps: Wenwen is about to be put on the shelves, and [-] words will be updated in the early morning~Xiao Xier's identity will also be announced within these [-] words.However, it is not recommended that you stay up late and wait for the explosive update. Of course, babies who are used to sleeping late can read the article at one o'clock in the morning. By then, all [-] words should have been updated!
  I am very grateful to everyone for their company and support during the free period of this half a year!
  Then I would like to thank McDull's happiness needs instant noodles, miscellaneous, sleepy, good, lxy, everyone, for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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