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Chapter 422 The Great River Flows Eastward

Chapter 422 The Great River Flows Eastward
"Ah, what a pity. Momo, do you want to sing?" Being rejected repeatedly, the man could only return disappointed.But I have already sang most of the song together, so I should be content.Instead, he gave the microphone to Momo, who couldn't even retract her eyes while looking at the microphone.

Momo hasn't sung a single song yet.

"Sing! Of course I will sing, order a song! I want to sing that heroic song! Please click it for me!" As soon as Momo received the microphone, it was as if she was possessed by the microphone.

Every time there are some people who come to sing, there are always one or two who belong to Maiba.

Momo is definitely Maiba!
"The big river flows eastward, the stars in the sky are in the Big Dipper~ hehe! The Big Dipper! A bowl of wine for the friendship between life and death!" Momo began to roar at the top of her voice as soon as she received the microphone.

As soon as the voice came out, several students sitting in the box immediately chose to die in battle. 'I ran out of the box as if to escape.

What is the magic sound piercing the ears, Lin Momo's singing is the magic sound piercing the ears.It's really -- it's too ugly!
Even though he can play the piano so well, why is singing so hard to hear!
Xiao Xier couldn't help covering her ears.This was the first time she heard Lin Momo sing.I thought she was a music student, so she should be able to sing very well, but this voice...is a bit too scary!Damn, it can be described as terrible.

"Momo, for the sake of our eardrums, you should stop singing." After hearing Momo finish singing a song, Xiao Xi'er quickly advised.Those who had just gone out to 'refuge' outside saw that there was no sound in the box, so they dared to come in.

"Is my singing difficult? I think my singing seems to be okay." Momo felt that she performed well...

"Momo, you are too scary, you are singing here, you are killing people! You should go and poison those people in the next room!" The squad leader pointed to the next room that was singing in full swing.

"Well, I agree." Xiao Xi'er also nodded in agreement.It's better to cheat others than cheat yourself.

"Okay, then I'll go next door and sing..."

"Oh my God, Qiu Xi, let's sing a song to evolve our eardrums. I still have Momo's phrase 'The river flows eastward' echoing in my mind, it's scary." Seeing Momo leave, the class leader He quickly handed the microphone to Chou Xi.

Among these people, Ye Ziyue and Chou Xi sang better just now.

"Okay. Yu Xi, how about we sing together? I really want to hear your singing voice." Chou Xi turned her head and said to Xiao Xi'er again.Just now Lian Yuxi has pushed twice, this is the third time she has been invited to sing, she can't still refuse, can she?
But Lian Yuxi evaded it so many times, so he probably can't sing.It just so happened that her voice is pretty good now, and it would be cool if she could suppress Lian Yuxi after speaking.

"It's better for you to sing. I rarely come to ktv to sing." It seems that it has been so many years, and the number of times I have been to ktv can be counted on one hand.In such an environment, she really can't sing well.

"It's okay, you can get used to singing. I'll sing with you. You heard it too. Momo sang so badly that she even opened her mouth, so don't be embarrassed." As he spoke, Chou Xi simply plugged the microphone into the In Xiao Xier's palm.

The rest of the class also looked at Xiao Xi'er expectantly.

"Okay, just sing once." There is no way, if you refuse, it will make you look very hypocritical.

(End of this chapter)

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