Chapter 428

Qianjia is always very lively during Chinese New Year, because there are a lot of people.Besides my family, Ye Kaiquan and Ye Ziyue will also come.The Ye family's parents are both in the UK, but there is no New Year celebration there, only Christmas.Simply put, Ye Kaiquan brought Ye Ziyue along with him every year with a shy face.

However, it has become a habit for these two brothers to come to Qian's house to celebrate the New Year.If they didn't come any year, they would feel that this year was incomplete.

But this year, apart from Ye Kaiquan and Ye Ziyue, the Qian family added two more people to celebrate the new year together!
It was Xiao Xier who personally invited her.

It is white and simple.Yan Bai didn't have any relatives in China, Xiao Xi'er thought of this and invited Yan Bai here. After all, every house is lively, and thinking of Yan Bai alone is strange.Although Yan Bai has a deserted personality, it's Chinese New Year after all!Occasionally it should be lively!

Yan Bai would never reject Xiao Xi'er.

As for have to follow Yan Bai wherever you go, no, I heard that Yan Bai is going to visit his future wife for the New Year, so of course he followed Yan Bai.

So there are two more people in Qian's family.Lian Yurou and Qian Mingze still listen to Yan Bai's welcome.Because Xiao Xier was kidnapped that time, thanks to him finding Xiao Xier first.

Ye Ziyue originally thought that she could get closer to Xiao Xi'er again during the Chinese New Year.But when he saw Yan Bai, his heart ran like ten thousand cockroaches!

Why is Yan Bai here!
And...he lives next door to him!

The main house of the Asa family has many guest rooms.The master bedroom is generally on the right, while the guest bedroom is on the left.There are three floors in total, with five rooms on the first floor.Ye Ziyue and Ye Kaiquan used to live in the first and second places on the far left on the second floor.Yan Bai's arrival was arranged for the third one.

"Why are you here?" Yan Bai asked after seeing Ye Ziyue.

"I still want to ask you, why are you here too!" Seeing Yan Bai at this moment, Ye Ziyue almost collapsed.There is him in the school, there is him outside the school, and Xiao Xier has him by her side.Well now, he was still at Xiao Xier's house!

"Chinese New Year." Yan Bai replied in two words.He knew that there was such a thing as the New Year, but he had never lived a real New Year.

"Can't you go back to your own home? Why did you come here!" Ye Ziyue felt a little desperate.His nemesis in this life must be this Yan Bai.

"Is this your home?" Yan Bai asked back.Its meaning is to express "this is not your home, you are here too."

"I—" Ye Ziyue was speechless for a while.He is used to living here, and he regards this place as his home.Looking at Yan Bai, he felt that he was a foreigner.But in fact——I am also a fucking foreigner!

"This year's Chinese New Year will be even more lively." Seeing Yan Bai and Ye Ziyue talking, Xiao Xi'er stepped forward to intervene.Seeing that these two people can still talk, the relationship should be pretty good.

"Xiao Xi'er, why did you call him here? Is this suitable for you?" Ye Ziyue pointed at Yan Bai and questioned Xiao Xi'er.

"What's inappropriate? He's alone in China. Do you think he'll spend the Chinese New Year alone? Isn't that a little bit lonely!" When she saw Ye Kaiquan and Ye Ziyue, she also felt that they were lonely. invited.Now Yan Bai is in the same situation, for the same reason, of course they should be invited together.

(End of this chapter)

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