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Chapter 5 Birthday Banquet

Chapter 5 Birthday Banquet
"Do you like it or not..." Qian Mingze smiled awkwardly seeing Xiao Xier holding the sapphire suddenly and not letting go.Unexpectedly, his family's little Xi'er is actually a little money fan.

This is for me, no one can take it away!The total assets she earned in her previous life were not as high as the price of this sapphire.


This period of infancy was the most difficult for Xiao Xi'er, but it was much more comfortable after getting through it.

Xiao Xier was able to speak when she was five months old, but the first words spoken by ordinary babies are usually father or mother. Who else is called the Demon King besides Yuu Asaba?
This time, Asayu Yu finally couldn't continue to misinterpret Xiao Xier's words.

But these words startled Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou.Their little Xi'er really has a deep resentment towards Qian Yuyou.Although they were a little disappointed because Xiao Xier's first yell was not Daddy's Mommy, but their little Xi'er's language talent is very good, and a few days later, Daddy's Mommy called her very smoothly.

Except for Qian Yuyou who called his name directly, the other three brothers also called "Brother Yuchen, Brother Yuling, Brother Yuxuan" sweetly.

In this regard, Qian Yuyou taught Xiao Xi'er hundreds of times, "Shout brother, call brother!" However, it still had no effect.Every time Xiao Xi'er faced Qian Yuyou, she rolled her eyes and turned her head, completely ignoring her.

The little devil, who has been intractable for two years, finally tasted the taste of loss.Although I feel a little happy, but I also feel that Yuu Asaba is a little pitiful...

In addition to being able to speak earlier than others, Xiao Xier even learned to walk and stand faster than ordinary children.The calves were obviously still soft, but they stubbornly wanted to stand up.Before the other children learned to crawl, she could already run.

To say that when Xiao Xier could speak, it was a magic attack to Asayu Yu, but now that Xiao Xier can run and jump, it is a physical attack to Asayu Yu.

As soon as she turned one year old, Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou began to buy all kinds of small skirts for Xiao Xier.The hair is just long enough for two braids.All the cute and beautiful little things are prepared for Xiao Xi'er.What a little princess in her arms.

One year old, based on Qian Mingze and Lian Yurou's love for little Xi'er, an unprecedented grand birthday banquet was held.With Qian Mingze's identity and charisma, almost all the respectable people in the business world rushed to congratulate him.

This time, Xiao Xi'er finally knew how awesome their family was.Many of the people who came to her birthday party were big names she had seen on TV in her previous life.But these people all nodded and bowed to her parents.

(End of this chapter)

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