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Chapter 527 Peeling Shrimp

Chapter 527 Peeling Shrimp
In the past, she would never have dared to do this. Although she had some kung fu to defend herself, she would still be taken advantage of in crowded places.

From a long time ago, Xiao Xier wanted to experience this feeling of being squeezed into the crowd, but she finally experienced it now, but thanks to Xingze.

But Xiao Xi'er was no longer worried about being taken advantage of, and Yan Bai suffered a lot.

Although Yan Bai exuded an aura of repelling people thousands of miles away, few people dared to approach him.But Yan Bai himself doesn't like this kind of place, there are too many people.

After squeezing for a long time, I squeezed to the innermost position in the store at noon.Fortunately, the time is not too late, so the store is not full yet.

But it's a pity that such a night snack shop does not have boxes.All tables are in the hall.

"What would you like to order, both?" the waiter in the restaurant asked as he brought up the menu.

"Hmm... Serve a portion of each flavor of crayfish first. Then a large piece of grilled fish, and some grilled lamb kebabs. Hmm... Yan Bai, do you want to eat something?" Xiao Xier read the menu Pass it to Yan Bai.

This is the first time I brought Yan Bai to this kind of place, I don't know what Yan Bai would like to eat.

Yan Bai read the entire menu at a glance, then raised his eyebrows slightly.

"It seems that you don't like it." After getting along with Yan Bai for a long time, Yan Bai's joy can be seen in just one look.

Although small, Xiao Xi'er is good at observing, and Xiao Xi'er can detect even a little emotion.

"Congee..." Yan Bai pointed to the menu and said.

He eats according to the color of things to decide his preferences.For example, he likes to eat light-colored food, and white is of course the first.Followed by cyan, yellow, very light color.He probably wouldn't touch crimson and black.

However, in such a night snack shop, basically all of them are black and red, dark and heavy-tasting food.So after scanning the menu at a glance, the only thing I can eat is porridge.

"Hmm... well, that's it." Xiao Xi'er handed the menu back to the waiter.

Yan Bai is only interested in porridge and cabbage...

It didn't take long for Xiao Xi'er to order all the items.

"Don't you two need some cold beer?" The waiter asked after serving the food.

Such a weather, such a big meal, it would be a pleasure not to have some beer.

"No need, I want a glass of juice. In summer, it's watermelon juice. For him... you can give him a glass of milk." Xiao Xi'er knows that she has a poor capacity for alcohol, so it's okay to drink at home, but absolutely not Drink it in a place with so many people.

And also with Yan Bai, Yan Bai looks like the type who can't drink, and he looks so good-looking, he wants to fuck, not to mention those gluttonous women around him who are staring at him.

Seeing Yan Bai's expression, the people around were about to eat Yan Bai.

Sure enough, let Yan Baiqing porridge go with milk.

"Okay." The waiter looked at the lobster barbecue on the table, and really thought it should be served with a bottle of cold beer.But people don't drink beer on the surface.

"It looks delicious, I'm going to start it!" Looking at the lobsters on the table, Xiao Xi'er quickly picked up the disposable gloves on the side, ready to start the battle.I'm sorry this summer if I don't have some crazy big lobster.

Remove the head and shell.Although it was enjoyable to eat, Xiao Xier felt that it was too troublesome.

Yan Bai at the side seemed to see what Xiao Xier was thinking, and suddenly put on disposable gloves, and started peeling the shrimp.

(End of this chapter)

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