Chapter 73 Class One (Addition)

"I won't lose to you."

The boy walked up to Xiao Xi'er in a short while. Instead of continuing to walk to the podium, he stopped and read a sentence in English.

Of course Xiao Xier knew what this sentence meant in English. "I will not lose to you."

She knows English, but she hasn't used it for a long time.By the time Xiao Xi'er translated this sentence in her mind and wanted to ask this person why she said this sentence to herself, the other person had already stepped onto the stage.

Xiao Xi'er felt that this person looked familiar, but she was sure that she had never seen this person before.

Then why did he say something to himself that clearly meant to declare war?Xiao Xi'er was puzzled, could it be because she was also a freshman representative like him?So there is a mentality of comparison?
But it seems normal that children of this age will have this kind of comparison mentality.Thinking of this, Xiao Xier immediately felt relieved.

But this freshman representative is not what she wants to be.

The entrance ceremony ended soon after the boy and Xiao Xier finished speaking.Entering elementary school is still very exciting and looking forward to for most children.

The morning is the entrance ceremony, and in the afternoon each student reports to his class.

In terms of class placement, elementary schools don't have any key classes, experimental classes, ordinary classes, etc., they are randomly assigned.Xiao Xier found her name "Asayu Xi" on the big wall of the school and was assigned to the first class.

There are forty people in a class.For such an ordinary school, the number of people is neither too much nor too little.

Xiao Xi'er glanced at her own name, then at the names of other people in the first class, almost memorized it and went to her class.

When we arrived, it was already full of people, and there were all kinds of chattering and chirping sounds.

Xiao Xier rubbed her ears, elementary school is really a place that people miss.

Xiao Xi'er, who appeared in class, immediately became the focus.Xiao Xier is good-looking, of course she is popular everywhere, not to mention seeing Xiao Xier give a speech at the entrance ceremony in the morning, she obviously became the object of adoration by the students.

But Xiao Xi'er didn't pay attention to these, and looked around, the seats around were basically taken up, only the last row was still vacant.Without thinking, I walked to the last row and sat down.

If other children sat in the last row, they would probably feel like crying. They subconsciously think that good students should sit in the front!Those who sit in the back are hated by the teacher!
As soon as Xiao Xier sat down, the preparatory bell for the beginning of class in the afternoon rang.I silently counted the people in the class in my heart, including myself, there are 39 people in total, and there is still one person missing?

Of the forty seats in the class, only one seat next to me was left vacant.

The preparatory bell ended, and not long after the last person in the class showed up before the school bell started.

"It's him……"

Xiao Xier looked at the last person to enter the classroom with some depression.It's none other than Xiao Xi'er, who is the representative of the new students, who inexplicably declared war in the morning and said "Iwon'tlosetoyou."
There are ten classes in the first grade, so why did you meet the person who regarded himself as a competitor in such a "narrow way"?
And that person also saw Xiao Xier at the first sight when entering the classroom, even though Xiao Xier was sitting in the last row.Xiao Xi'er is white, tender and cute, it's hard not to notice her.

 PS: Xiao Xi'er's name finally appeared in the text for the second time, congratulations...

(End of this chapter)

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