Chapter 768

The knife can easily stab down, but just after stabbing, the surrounding land collapsed.Xiao Xi'er poked the surrounding land with a knife, and she was able to poke it easily.In less than a dozen seconds, a one-meter-long hole appeared in front of Xiao Xier and Cheng Bihua.

If you measure it with your eyes, the hole is about three meters deep, and it should be just a trap.If Cheng Bihua had followed the rope down just now, he would have fallen into this trap.

"I think there should be more than one trap nearby, so be careful." Xiao Xi'er got up and said, this place is just a simple trap, nothing special.

"Xing Ze and Ji Yuxue are really hidden!" Cheng Bihua couldn't help sighing.

"Keep looking, there will always be some clues left."

Five minutes passed, until all the members of the Red Gang arrived, but they still couldn't find the entrance to the underground.

Everyone had to follow Xiao Xi'er to find it.

"Look for another 3 minutes, if we still can't find it, we will have to dig three feet!" Xiao Xi'er said.So much time has been spent here now, there is no more time to waste here.

Everyone nodded at the same time, looking more seriously than before.

"Asayuki, I, I seem to have found it!" Just as 3 minutes were about to pass, Cheng Bihua suddenly yelled.

Xiao Xier hurried over.

"What did you find?"

"This, this is the brooch I gave Xingbai! I put it on him myself!" Cheng Bihua held up a brooch made of platinum and diamonds in his hand.This is my gift to Xingbai...

Now that they appear here, they can be sure that they must be here!
"So I just found this." Xiao Xi'er was a little disappointed, after all, this was not a clue to the entrance.

"Xing Bai is very smart, so the entrance must be here!" Cheng Bihua suddenly affirmed.Putting the brooch back into his bag, with just one brooch, Cheng Bihua was able to conclude that it was just a clue left by Xingbai for him.

Xiao Xier actually believed it...

Yan Bai's clone should have the same brains as Yan Bai.

"The place where the needle was pointed just now is that direction..." Cheng Bihua pointed to the direction, which was the trap just now.

Xiao Xi'er couldn't help but reflect.Could it be that the trap just now had hidden secrets?To confuse others?

There was no time to solve their doubts, Xiao Xier and Cheng Bihua walked into the trap just now again.But when she saw the trap again, Xiao Xier's pupils couldn't help constricting.

Because the one-meter-large hole dug just now was hidden by the soil again.

"The entrance... must be here!" Xiao Xi'er squatted down again and opened the hole.The one-meter-large hole appeared before her eyes again, and this time, Xiao Xi'er climbed down without hesitation.

Now I can be sure that this trap must have been deliberately created to confuse people. At first glance, there is nothing on the outside, and it is even the kind of trap that can be seen as a trap at a glance.Normal people will definitely walk around this area after seeing this trap...

Xing Ze should have guessed the psychology of normal people and deliberately designed it like this!Suddenly, both Xiao Xier and Cheng Bihua were sure of the secret of the entrance, and they were hidden in this trap.

(End of this chapter)

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