Chapter 810

But Qian Yuling will not explode in front of her sister.

Although Qian Yuling deliberately forbears, but Xiao Xi'er has extraordinary insight, and Qian Yuling's hidden expression has not been hidden from Xiao Xi'er's eyes.

I don't know what brother Quan did to make him angry this time.

"Brother, haven't you eaten yet? I packed some food for you. You are sick, so I brought you sweet porridge." With that said, Xiao Xi'er conveniently put the dinner she brought on the bedside table.

But his eyes accidentally drifted to the bed beside him, there seemed to be water on the bed... wet...

"Brother, the bed seems to be wet... Wait... Brother, why is there a spot on your neck that is so red?" Besides noticing that the bed was wet, I accidentally saw that the neck was covered in the bathrobe that my brother was wearing. The looming red on the top.

Hearing Xiao Xi'er's words, Qian Yuling quickly pulled the collar of the bathrobe, pulled the collar over her neck, and at the same time, a suspicious blush appeared on her face.That bastard Ye Kaiquan!

This should be Xiao Xier's first time seeing such a brother, it's simply - too scary!It was getting harder and harder to imagine what big brother Quan had done to his second brother.

"Ahem, there are so many bugs this season. I even got a big bud bitten by a bug yesterday. It seems that my brother was also bitten by some bug." In order to relieve her brother's embarrassment, Xiao Xier couldn't help but give My brother found an excuse.

In fact, it's April day, where did the bugs come from?

"It's indeed a nasty bedbug." Qian Yuling put down her collar, and didn't continue to dwell on this matter.

"Hehehehe..." Xiao Xi'er laughed a few times. If Brother Quan knew that he was called a bug by the second brother, he would definitely cry.

"Xiao Xi'er, lend me your phone." Qian Yuling said. "I came in such a hurry in the afternoon that I even brought my mobile phone."

"Oh, here." Xiao Xi'er handed the phone to Qian Yuling.Because there is no privacy in the mobile phone, there is not even a power-on password.

Qian Yuling turned on the phone, dialed the assistant's number, and said four words: "One year's vacation." Before the assistant could answer, she hung up the phone.

He wanted Ye Kaiquan to disappear before his eyes forever.

"Vacation? Brother, are you kidding me?" Seeing that my brother hung up the phone, my brother loves the piano so much, and my brother who used to work 360 days a year for 360 days has to take a year off!Sure enough, my brother was stimulated.

"I'm never joking, my brother is on vacation for a year, would Xiao Xi'er be by his side?" Qian Yuling smiled.

"Yes." Xiao Xi'er nodded. Her brother had suffered for such a long time, and she wished that he would take a vacation.

"Well, I promised my brother, don't go back on it." Rubbing Xiao Xi'er's hair, Qian Yuling's mood became very good after receiving Xiao Xi'er's answer.

The news of Qian Yuling's one-year vacation quickly spread through the assistant's Weibo. The news came too suddenly, and there were all kinds of wailing and crying voices on Weibo.

Qian Yuling's vacation is a big blow to the fans.Most people couldn't accept it. It would be scary to think about not seeing Qian Yuling for a year.

Combined with the news received in the morning, Qian Yuling was ill, and fans couldn't help but make various speculations.

(End of this chapter)

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