Chapter 813 (Chinese Valentine's Day Special)

After opening the door, Xiao Xi'er jumped directly onto Yan Bai's desk.Walked around twice, but did not find paper and pen...

Although there is no paper and pen, but fortunately there is a laptop on the desk.It took Xiao Xier all her strength to open the laptop, and it was the first time that she found that the speed of the laptop booting up was so slow.

Although Yan Bai felt that the cat might have been trained by Xiao Xier, but he couldn't be trained to know how to turn on the computer like a human...

What happened to this cat...

After waiting for a long time, the computer finally turned on, and Xiao Xier quickly typed a few words on the computer with her little paw.

"Yan Bai, I'm Xiao Xi'er. Somehow, I became Bai Bai." After typing, he turned the computer around and showed it to Yan Bai.

Seeing the words 'Mao'er' typed out, Yan Bai's pupils suddenly dilated. How did Xiao Xi'er become a cat?
"You are...Xiao Xi'er?" Yan Bai asked in disbelief.

Xiao Xier nodded quickly.

" did you become a cat?"

"I don't know either. When I woke up, I turned into a cat." Xiao Xi'er typed again with great effort.

"Has the person in that room become your cat now?" Yan Bai had no doubts about the words typed out by Xiao Xi'er on the computer. A normal cat would not be able to be trained even after ten years of training. ...

Xiao Xier nodded again.

"Meow, meow..." Xiao Xi'er grabbed Yan Bai's clothes and shouted aggrievedly.I wanted to say, "What should I do now?"

But Yan Bai seemed to understand what Xiao Xier said, hugged Xiao Xier in his arms and said softly: "Don't worry, let's go to Ji Juxue, that guy may have a solution."

Ji Yuxue loves to study some strange things, such as whether a person has a soul, and where does the soul go after death, and there are quite a lot of researches, which are quite clueless, so that guy must know how to turn Xiao Xier into a human being. return.

Xiao Xier nodded repeatedly.

He brought Xiao Xi'er with him, and he also brought a button-type mobile phone, which is convenient for communicating with Xiao Xi'er later.

Now I set off to find Ji Juxue.

Xiao Xier just lay obediently in Yan Bai's arms. She knew that Yan Bai's body had a good smell before, but now she has turned into a kitten, and in Yan Bai's arms, she has the smell of a small animal. It is very sensitive, and it feels like the whole world is full of the smell of Yanbai.

And Yan Bai's arms are so warm.

Yan Bai has always been an indifferent person, even if he doesn't get in touch with Yan Bai, just looking at Yan Bai's face, he can't help but shy away.Few people have ever dared to come within three meters of Yan Bai.

But today, Yan Bai is holding a cat in his hand, which makes people see a kind of... um... the illusion of a warm man...

But Yan Bai didn't drive today...

The handsome guy is hugging a cat, this picture is very eye-catching.

"Boy, what breed is your cat? Where did you buy it? It looks so cute, and I want to buy one as well." Just 2 minutes after I left the house, I was immediately accosted by a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl.

In fact, the little girl was asking about cats, but her eyes were always on Yan Bai, the obsession in her eyes was undisguised.

"Meow!" Before Yan Bai could answer, Xiao Xi'er in Yan Bai's arms yelled.Even a fool can see that this girl is here to strike up a conversation with Yan Bai.Don't think that now that she has become a cat, her man can be seduced at will!

(End of this chapter)

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