Chapter 815 (Chinese Valentine's Day Special)

"Xiao Xi'er, what do you want to order?" Yan Bai asked as he put the menu in front of Xiao Xi'er.

And Xiao Xi'er stretched out her cat's paw, pointed here and there, and Yan Bai memorized them all.

But it really must be because of becoming a cat, Xiao Xier actually ordered all fish and seafood...

You must know that Xiao Xi'er didn't like to eat fish before.

While waiting for the meal, I couldn't help but take a bite of the small dried fish that the waiter brought just now...

Hmm... But I found that the taste was not so good, I just took a bite and stopped touching it.

Sure enough, even if he became a cat, he still couldn't get rid of his picky mouth.

Maybe it was unintentional, maybe Xiao Xier didn't realize that she couldn't help licking her paws after biting the dried fish.

Yan Bai wasn't very interested in cats before, only cats like Xiao Xi'er would take good care of them, but now knowing that Xiao Xi'er has become a cat, he couldn't help admiring them.

Xiao Xier's appearance is really cute, and she is also very clingy.

After licking the paw, he rubbed it under Yan Bai's chin. Yan Bai looked down at Xiao Xi'er enjoying herself, and knew that Xiao Xi'er was very comfortable at the moment.

"Xiao Xi'er..." Yan Bai patted Xiao Xi'er's back and waited on her carefully.

Xiao Xier forgot everything while enjoying herself, she was more like a cat than a cat.

"Sir, your order has arrived."

As soon as the waiter entered the box, he saw the scene of Yan Bai stroking the cat, and he was so envious.You say that on Qixi Festival, it’s fine to be fed dog food by couples all over the street, but also to be fed by one person and one cat.

It's heartbreaking.

Xiao Xi'er, who was already hungry and growling, couldn't help but rubbed over as soon as she saw the food being served. In front of her was a boiled fish that was bigger than her.

The small body rubbed against the fish, full of imagery, really cute.He opened his mouth and bit the belly of the fish.

Hot hot hot hot!

With one bite, Xiao Xi'er took two or three steps back with her cat body.Tongue sticking out, the whole expression is extremely horrified.

(The cat's tongue is very afraid of being hot)

Seeing this, Yan Bai quickly hugged Xiao Xi'er back into his arms, and took the glass of cold water on the table for Xiao Xi'er to drink.

Xiao Xi'er drank a big mouthful of cold water, just now it felt like the whole meow life was coming to an end.

"Are you okay?" Yan Bai put down the water glass and asked cautiously.

Xiao Xier shook her head, expressing that she was not good at all.

Yan Bai felt distressed and a little funny, his little Xi'er was so cute after turning into a cat.

In order to prevent Xiao Xi'er from burning her tongue again, Yan Bai picked the fish meat into a small plate and waited for it to catch cold.

And Xiao Xi'er stuck out her newly scorched tongue outside, waiting for the fish on the plate to cool down.

After becoming a cat, his appetite also decreased a lot, and he couldn't eat any more than Yan Bai's fist-sized meal.

After the meal, Yan Bai rubbed Xiao Xi'er's stomach.

Xiao Xi'er was enjoying herself so much that she almost forgot to go to Ji Yuxue, and fell asleep in Yan Bai's arms after the meal.

Yan Bai couldn't bear to wake up Xiao Xi'er, before paying for the meal, he hugged Xiao Xi'er lightly, for fear of disturbing Xiao Xi'er.

Unfortunately, Yan Bai still couldn't control the voices from the outside world.

It was already past ten o'clock in the morning when I came out of the hotel, and there were more people, not only couples, but also children, chasing and beating on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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