Chapter 824

"There is no evidence, but it is a fact that your family collapsed, right? It's very miserable. Maybe your father will be put in prison."

"Hahahaha, that's right, I never imagined that the mighty Dongxu would have this day. I don't know if you will still be able to afford the tuition here in the future?"

The two people who were discussing just now couldn't help but mocked.

When Dong Xu had status in the past, many people did respect him, and many people even called him big brother, but those flattery were all for gaining some benefits from him.

In fact, there are many people who are dissatisfied with him in the school, such as the second and third year of high school, who bully and despise him, and laugh at them as poor people, there is no one who does not hate his arrogance.

Now that Dongxu has collapsed, more people are eager to celebrate with firecrackers.

"I'll say it again, my dad didn't embezzle! He didn't embezzle a penny!" Dongxu said viciously again, as if he wanted to use his arrogance to make them bow their heads and apologize.

But the current Dongxu's physique is still very scary, but after all, he is only a freshman in high school, and there are so many people on their side, no one is afraid of Dongxu at all.

"Who's corrupt and will speak out openly? What's more, the person who is investigating your family's corruption now is Police Officer Zhang, and the person who is being targeted by him, heh, even every penny of the embezzled money will be listed for you. Your family , die, if you want to stand up, you have to wait for the next life!"

"Say it again! I'll smash your mouth!" Dongxu couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed the man by the collar, and his head was already in the air.

Seeing Dongxu's behavior, the people nearby quickly surrounded Dongxu.

"Hey, you're angry? Let me tell you, if you dare to touch me again now, you will be charged not only with corruption but also with assault!" if.

Ever since he was a child, Dong Xu has been a second-generation official and rich man. No one has taught him to be patient, and his personality is extremely irritable and easily angered.

Being provoked again, he immediately swung his fist at that person, but unfortunately, before the fist could hit, someone grabbed his hand.

Two fists are no match for four hands, and there are seven or eight opponents.Dongxu was dragged by someone and couldn't move.

"Damn it, you still dare to hit me? I used to be humble to you to save your father's face. Do you really think I'm afraid of you? Hit me!"

"Aren't you going to help?" Xiao Xi'er and Yan Bai saw this scene completely.Seeing that Xiao Xi'er's eyes didn't move for a moment, Yan Bai asked suspiciously.

Dongxu used to be a member of the student union. Although he was a bit cruel to others, he was still very polite to Xiao Xier.They were both members of the student union, and Xiao Xier invited him to the party last time, so they should have a good relationship.

Now that Dong Xu is being beaten, Xiao Xi'er should step forward to help.

However, Xiao Xier replied: "It was originally the result of Dongxu's arrogance, why should he help?"

"Isn't he your friend?"

"I didn't help him just because he was a friend. If it were an ordinary classmate who was being bullied, I would go up and help instead. Dongxu's arrogance is too high. If he doesn't feel wronged, he won't grow up." .”

It is precisely because Dong Xu is a capable person that Xiao Xi'er becomes friends with him.But he has too many problems. If he doesn't get rid of it, he will suffer a lot sooner or later. Instead of suffering a big loss in the future, it is better to take this opportunity now to let him get rid of this arrogant stinking problem.

(End of this chapter)

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