Chapter 833

Make sure to catch this guy!After Xiao Xier made such a decision, she immediately put it into action.

"Really? So Yan Bai is an orphan! It's so miserable."

"I really don't know what Yan Bai's parents think, such a good-looking child should be abandoned, but Yan Bai is so good-looking, you said he would never have been that rich woman before..."

"Shh, don't talk nonsense! If Asahi Nozomi hears your words, be careful that she picks you up!"

"Joke, just kidding, hehe, but I really envy Asahi Nozomi, who is so rich. If I am as rich as Asayu Nozomi, I would pay as much as I want to buy such a handsome little brother."

"Oh, but Yan Bai is really pretty!"

"Where did you hear these rumors?" Before the two girls finished talking, Xiao Xi'er suddenly appeared in front of them with a smile.

But the two little girls were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

"Asahi, Nozomi Asaba, um, um, we didn't know you were here..."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we will never dare to talk about your boyfriend behind your back!"

"What are you panicking about? I know you guys are discussing this after hearing the rumors. I just want to know, where did you hear that Yan Bai was raised by me (harmony)?" Xiao Xier's tone was neither cold nor cold. hot.

Just kidding, how could she not be angry, she is very narrow-minded, and can remember the big and small things for a long time.But now in the 21st century, speech is free.She couldn't keep so many mouths shut by herself.

"Yes, I heard it from the students in the second and fifth classes of senior high school..." the girl replied timidly.

"Very good, but, for topics like this, don't discuss it again in the future, understand?"

"I know, I know!"

Since Xiao Xi'er decided to investigate, she had to find out the source of the rumors. Although it was a waste of time to ask one by one, the possibility of finding out was greater.Anyway, Xiao Xier is fine at school now, so check it out.

After tracking for two days, Xiao Xi'er finally found the source of the rumor, which turned out to be from Class [-], Senior One.

He was a small, dark-skinned boy with no features at all.In addition, he is still Luo Ou's little brother...

"It's just the rumor that Yan Bai was taken care of by me?" Xiao Xi'er asked with a bright smile, and walked straight up to Xiao Hei in front of everyone in Class [-] and [-] of Senior High.

That Xiao Hei was a bit shorter than Xiao Xi'er, and Xiao Xi'er easily grabbed Xiao Hei's collar.

That Xiao Hei was obviously at a loss, looked around, and then swallowed.


Xiao Hei didn't seem to expect that he would be found so quickly, and his face turned pale with fright.

It seems right, Xiao Xier thought so.Then he loosened Xiao Hei's collar.

"Come out with me." Turning around, Xiao Xi'er walked out.

I dare not not listen to Asahi Nozomi's words.

Before coming out, Xiao Hei glanced at Luo Ou with pleading eyes, but was stared back by Luo Ou.The meaning seems to be saying "If you dare to confess me, I will beat you to death!"

Xiao Hei was a little desperate, but he could only keep up with Xiao Xi'er.

Let's see how Asahi Nozomi wants to deal with himself first. If Asahi Nozomi is really going to kill himself, he will confess Luo Ou.

(End of this chapter)

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