Chapter 835

"Chop off one finger... I, I will cut it myself..." Luo Yongzhi's pupils suddenly widened, and now he is more sure that his stupid son really offended Miss Qian...

Xiao Xi'er left quickly, and asked the driver to drive away as soon as she got out, not giving Luo Yongzhi the slightest chance to beg for mercy.

"Miss, do you want a finger? Didn't you say you were going to cut someone alive?" On the way, the driver couldn't help asking.

He is the personal driver of the lady. The lady is of high status, and the lady's boyfriend is also of high status, but that man made the lady's boyfriend the object of discussion among the public.

How should I put it, this is an unforgivable thing, Miss just wants him to cut off a finger?

"This finger is regarded as interest, and the main event will be a month later." Dongxu's matter, plus Yan Bai's slander, but some Luo's family paid it back.

Luo Ou didn't know how to get to school the next day. He only saw that the little finger on his left hand was gone. Because he lost the little finger and it was chopped off by his own father, he seemed to be a little mentally disturbed.

"This little thing makes people decadent like this. If they experience an accident like Dongxu's, I don't know if they will become a lunatic..." Xiao Xi'er said to herself with some sarcasm.

"Have you gone to find Luo Yongzhi?" Yan Bai came and asked.

"Baibai, you're here." Seeing Yan Bai coming, Xiao Xi'er smiled and cleaned up Luo Ou once, feeling very good.

"That guy has something to do with drug dealers, I don't want you to go to him again." Yan Bai gently held Xiao Xi'er in his arms.I really don't want Xiao Xi'er to face any threatening things.

Xiao Xi'er didn't deliberately hide what happened yesterday, so Yan Bai also knew about it.

Xiao Xi'er turned around, and hugged Yan Bai's hand with both hands, this feeling of being protected was very warm and comfortable.

"Are you worried about me, Baibai? In fact, that guy just has a wicked heart and no guts. You don't know Luo Yongzhi's cowardly appearance yesterday. No one would believe that it was him if he was photographed on the Internet."

"Having said that, he has dealings with drug dealers after all. Luo Ou is his only son, and also his most precious son. Once something happens to Luo Ou, he is likely to jump over the wall in a hurry and break the pot and smash it. of."

" are right. I was a little careless yesterday, but I just asked Luo Yongzhi to cut off one of Luo Ou's fingers yesterday. Luo Yongzhi would not dare to jump over the wall just because of such a trivial matter, he It’s still far from jumping over the wall.”

By the time the court makes a judgment for the second time, maybe...

"Well, I will be by your side in the future, even if he jumps over the wall in a hurry, we are not afraid."

"Bai Bai, you look so pretty when you're talking about love." Being treated so carefully and tenderly by Yan Bai, Xiao Xi'er couldn't control it, and her happiness was almost overflowing.

She couldn't help but cup Yan Bai's face with both hands, then tiptoed and kissed Yan Bai's lips.

But Yan Bai took the initiative to deepen the kiss.

It took about two weeks before Luo Ou came out of the shadows.It was only later that I found out that the reason for my severed finger was actually Nozomi Asaba, whom he had always liked!
At that moment, he almost collapsed. He wrote love letters to Asahi Nozomi every day, and it was fine if he couldn't move her, but she even asked her father to cut off her little finger!
(End of this chapter)

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