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Chapter 850 Little Sister Cuihua

Chapter 850 Little Sister Cuihua

"Yeah, you still know Jian Jian, it seems that you are Yan Bai's younger sister." Xiao Xi'er didn't care about the girl's tone of voice for the time being.

I've been with Cheng Bihua for a long time recently, and I'm getting used to this domineering girl.

"It seems that you are really the girlfriend of Brother Yan that Jian Jian mentioned. Tsk, you don't look very good, you are very ordinary. How can Brother Yan like you?"

The little girl put her arms around her chest again, and even became hostile after learning about Xiao Xier's identity.

It seems that she is very dissatisfied with Xiao Xier.

Listening to the little girl's words, Xiao Xi'er couldn't help but chuckled out loud. Since she was born until now, it was the first time that a kid despised her appearance, and actually said that she looked...

very general?
Although Xiao Xi'er is not a particularly narcissistic person, she is also a very confident person. She is most satisfied with this face. This kid really likes to talk nonsense with his eyes open.

"Little girl, I know a good ophthalmologist, do you want to see your eyes?" Xiao Xi'er asked!

"Hmph, don't think I can't hear that you're mocking me. Don't you just have some looks? Let me tell you, when I grow up in a few years, I will definitely be more beautiful than you!" Admittedly, this brother Yan's girlfriend is indeed very good-looking, and it is too far-fetched to describe it in general.

"Where did you come from, little girl? She's quite eloquent at such a young age." Now Xiao Xi'er doubted whether this brat was Yan Bai's younger sister.After all, Yan Bai is such a bored person, how could he have such a domineering younger sister.

"I'm telling you, listen carefully, my name is Yan Cuihua, and I'm Brother Yan's cousin!" The little girl introduced herself proudly.

"Pfft... I didn't hear you very clearly just now, what did you say was your name?" Cui... Cuihua?Did you hear me wrong?
Is there anyone else called this name these days?
"Are you deaf? My name is Yan Cuihua!" Sister Cuihua was obviously very upset that her name was not remembered.

"Ahem, I heard it clearly this time, isn't it called Cuihua? Who gave you the name?" Xiao Xi'er asked pretending to be serious.

Little sister Cuihua seems to still love you. I don't know how tacky my name is in China...

By the way, do the Yan family all choose their names so casually?Yan Bai is very casual, but at least it is still unique, in line with Yan Bai's temperament, but this emerald flower...

Sister Cuihua thought about it, but she didn't know how to answer Xiao Xi'er's question. She used to live in Europe and used her English name. She didn't use this Chinese name very much, so she didn't know who this Chinese name was. Made it for myself.

Before Sister Cuihua could figure out how to answer Xiao Xi'er, Xiao Xi'er couldn't help but laugh out loud while holding her stomach.

"What are you laughing at?!" Sister Cuihua became a little annoyed.

Although she didn't understand what Xiao Xi'er was laughing at, she knew she must be laughing at herself.

"Xiao Cuihua, do you want to consider changing your name?"

"Are you laughing at my name? What's wrong with my name? What's so ridiculous!" Yan Cuihua, isn't it nice?

"You are from Europe, right? Let's put it this way, the name Cuihua in China is equivalent to Tom, Mary, and Angela in Europe. It is common, popular, and tacky." Xiao Xier explained seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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