Chapter 855

For Xiao Xi'er, this is the most important thing, Bai Bai is completely her own!No one is allowed to touch it. On this point, Xiao Xi'er is very selfish.

"You, you are too much!" How can there be such a girl in this world, domineering, selfish, and arrogant!

Where did Brother Yan fall in love with her?Little sister Cuihua really didn't understand, she was upset no matter how she saw Xiao Xi'er.

"It's fine if you don't agree. Anyway, it doesn't matter to me whether you're here or not. Or, it's best if you're not here."

"I...I agree." Forget it, facing this black-bellied woman, I'd better keep myself.

After reaching an agreement with little sister Cuihua, Xiao Xier looked at Yan Bai again, cleared her throat and said, "Ahem. Bai Bai, I think this little girl is quite pleasing to the eye. It just so happens that this little girl is coming to China for the first time. How about Let her stay in China for a few more days?"

"It's fine if you don't want to disturb me." Yan Bai replied.

Little sister Cuihua was troubled, but Xiao Xier could solve it with a single sentence.

"We're two classes late again today." After eating, Xiao Xi'er glanced at her phone, and the time displayed on her phone was 09:30 am.

If you go to school, you will get ten o'clock, and you will be late for two classes, but for Xiao Xi'er, being late for two classes is normal, if you are not late, it will be very strange.

"Are you still going to school?" Little sister Cuihua asked in an inarticulate voice with a spoon in her mouth.

Then they went to school, isn't he the only one left here?This can't be done, how boring it is to be here alone!

"Well, can you take me there with you? I haven't seen what a high school in China looks like." Little sister Cuihua said quickly.Fear of being left at home alone.

Xiao Xi'er glanced at Yan Bai, seeing that Yan Bai was still so calm, so she made her own decision: "Yes, yes, but there are three chapters of the contract."

"Another three rules? Why do you have so many rules?!" You just asked yourself to stay and ask for three rules, and now you have to make three rules when you go out.

If it wasn't for Brother Yan...

"Why, you don't want to? If you don't want to, forget it. I won't take you to school. "

"I'm just a ten-year-old child. As an adult, do you think it's appropriate to bully a child like this?!"

"Well, I think it's very suitable." Xiao Xi'er nodded.

"Tell me, which three chapters are the three chapters of the agreement?" Little sister Cuihua was discouraged. Such an adult was simply not something she could handle.

"First, you are not allowed to declare your relationship with Baibai to the outside world. Of course, you can't expose Baibai's identity to others. Second, you can't be arrogant at school. The eldest lady must keep her temper in check. Third, you can't leave my sight. Inside."

"Ok, no problem." Little sister Cuihua agreed without hesitation.Brother Yan's identity should never have been revealed.The eldest lady in the back has a temper, she has a good temper...

"Okay, then let's go to school." Since little sister Cuihua agreed, Xiao Xi'er packed up and got ready to go to school with peace of mind.

There is still one month to graduate from high school, and every day is really one day less.During this period of time, Xiao Xier did not intend to skip class anymore.

 The previous chapter was 888, that's right!Because the previous six chapters were blocked, 888 changed to 882, but it was really 888!

(End of this chapter)

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