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Chapter 861 Here Comes the Little Girl's Collar

Chapter 861 The little girl brought her back

"Are you looking for Yan Bai?" Little sister Cuihua's bitter voice just finished, when a clean male voice suddenly said.

Not only is the sound very clean, but it is also very magnetic, the type that can fascinate people just by listening to the sound.

Little sister Cuihua stopped crying, and when she raised her head, she saw a very handsome face with sharp edges and corners, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she was a little ruffian, but her expression was a little serious. simple man.

"It's Young Master Mu, he's so handsome, no matter how you look at him, he's so handsome!"

"Master Mu, is this helping a lost little girl? This scene is so warm."

"Don't look at Young Master Mu who is usually unreasonable, but he is so kind."

The person who appeared at this moment was exactly Mu Qianshu.

There are not many people with the surname Yan in the school, maybe they can be counted on one hand, and the boy with the surname Yan that Mu Qianshu is most familiar with should be Yan Bai.So when the little girl in front of her suddenly cried and called Brother Yan, Mu Qianshu wondered whether the person the little girl was looking for was Yan Bai.

In addition, this girl's appearance is two or three points similar to Yan Bai, so Mu Qianshu boldly guessed.

But the little girl kept staring at her and didn't want to answer, so Mu Qianshu could only ask again: "Are you Yan Bai's younger sister?"

Although Mu Qianshu dislikes girls, it doesn't matter if the object is a child.

"Well, yes! Who are you? Do you know Brother Yan?" Little sister Cuihua asked back.

"Yes, come with me, I'll take you to find him." Mu Qianshu replied.

After confirming his identity, Mu Qianshu walked in front, and little sister Cuihua followed behind.

After walking for about 3 minutes, Mu Qianshu brought little sister Cuihua to Class [-] of the third year.

"Little girl, you are back. I thought you fell into the latrine and planned to be fished." Seeing that little sister Cuihua finally came back, Xiao Xi'er couldn't help but ran over to tease her.

To be honest, little sister Cuihua didn't come back for nearly an hour and a half, so Xiao Xier was a little worried at first.

"You just fell into the latrine. I disappeared and you didn't know to come looking for me! Your school is so big, it's almost the same age as my family. I'm only ten years old, how could I know the way!" I was so lost For a long time, this hated woman didn't know how to look for it, and it really was a hated woman.

Hearing what little sister Cuihua said that the school was almost as big as my home, Mu Qianshu couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Since Yuyou was renovated, the area has been several times larger than before. It takes half an hour to walk around the school, which is larger than the average university area. But this little girl said that her home also has such a big……

One must know that his main house is only this big, and there are not many people in the world who can afford such a big house, so maybe Yan Bai's identity can be surfaced because of this little girl...

"Okay, are you hungry? Let's go, my sister will take you to eat something delicious." Xiao Xi'er didn't want to argue with the little girl anymore, and decided to send the little girl away with food.However, Xiao Xi'er didn't pay attention to Mu Qianshu's suspicion because of Cuihua's little sister's words.

"Mu Qianshu, let's go together, thank you for finding the little girl." Xiao Xi'er turned her head, looked at Mu Qianshu and thanked her.

It was Mu Qianshu who brought the little girl back just now.

(End of this chapter)

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