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Chapter 865 Guarantee to you

Chapter 865 Guarantee to you

"Expose your identity! Yan Bai, you are joking!" Hearing what Yan Bai said, Xiao Xi'er felt the hairs all over her body stand on end.

Are you kidding me? Yan Bai is the heir of the Yan Group. The most important thing for the Yan Group is to keep secrets. Generally, the senior management of the Yan Group needs to keep secrets, let alone Yan Bai, the future heir. Yan Bai wants to expose his identity. There will be a lot of trouble.

"I'm not joking, even if my identity is exposed, there will be no loss to the Yan family." Yan Bai said seriously again.

"No loss?"

"Well, the reason why people from the Yan family could not reveal their identities in the past was because of the 'Tianluo Diwang' and the 'Assassination Group'. These two organizations used to be Yan's own business. Because they were engaged in underground work, no one could be allowed to People know the real face. But it’s different now, the ‘Tian Luo Di Net’ and the ‘Assassination Team’ have basically been abolished. So even if my identity is exposed, it won’t be much trouble.”

What's more, with my own skills, even if there is really trouble coming to my door, there is no need to worry at all.

"However, after all, the Yan family used to control the 'Tianluodiwang' and 'Assassination Group'. Although it has been 20 years, some people may take this grudge on you. When your parents, your grandpas, Still, the vengeance owed by your ancestors will fall on you? It won't work, it's too dangerous, I don't want your identity to be exposed!"

Xiao Xi'er would rather be troubled during this time. Isn't it just graduation? After she and Yan Bai graduate, there will definitely be fewer people talking about it. Even if she still wants to talk about it, she and Yan Bai are no longer there Yuyou high school, also can not hear.Therefore, it is better to keep Yan Bai's identity a secret.

"It doesn't matter, there will be no danger, not to mention... It is impossible for Yan's people to hide their identities from generation to generation and live. There must be an end. If we have children in the future, I hope that Yan's all The feud ends with me, not with our descendants." Yan Bai said seriously.

In fact, when he decided to be with Xiao Xi'er, Yan Bai had already thought about this matter.Xiao Xi'er's identity is the young lady of the Qian family, and the future successor of the Lian family.On the day when I and Xiao Xier are together, I am afraid that the whole world will be curious to check my identity.

Perhaps one person cannot be found out, ten people cannot be found out, and a hundred people cannot be found out, but 1000 million people will certainly be able to be found out.

Rather than being exposed by someone at that time, it is better to take the initiative to inform everyone of his identity now, but it is only a period of time in advance.

"Baibai, are you serious?" Looking at Yan Bai's serious and firm eyes, Xiao Xi'er felt her heart beating violently.
Among them, she knew that the person who least wanted Yan Bai's identity to be exposed must be herself.But she had no way to refute what Yan Bai said now. Judging from Yan Bai's tone, he seemed to have made a plan to expose his identity early in the morning.

"It's serious, but don't worry that I will be in danger, I have you here. No one can do anything to me. For you, I will not let myself be in danger." Yan Bai held Xiao Xi'er's hand tightly , What I gave Xiao Xier was my guarantee.

(End of this chapter)

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