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Chapter 872 The Exploded Network

Chapter 872 The Exploded Network

"Yan Bai, heh, isn't Yan Bai just a little boy who has been kept? What kind of thing is it to rely on women's things? If it wasn't for that face, he would be a scumbag! It's not my fault, a little boy like Yan Bai, I can hit five in one go!"

The posts on the campus forum have been updated again. There are already countless such 20-second face-covering videos, and each of them will be reposted in large numbers.

It has been a week since little sister Cuihua made the broadcast, and the matter has not subsided at all, but has intensified.

Because they couldn't catch up with Xiao Xi'er, they made all kinds of provocations on the Internet. Of course, most of the people who posted these videos were jealous, and some were for attention.

There are too many such videos, and they are easily uploaded to the Internet, and Yan Bai's name appears in hot searches on Weibo from time to time.

It was originally just a matter of the school, but now it has affected the entire network.

Even Xiao Xi'er was said to be a dandy, and the notoriety of spending money to raise male pets was also on top.

These were all Yan Cuihua's faults, but the girl didn't know it at all, but was happy that Yan Bai's identity would finally be exposed.

If there is one black person on the Internet, there will be a large number of black people who follow suit, so that now people on the Internet have begun to despise Xiao Xier's "nurture" incident.

In order not to let the mood continue to be depressed, Xiao Xier simply did not read those messages, but sent a Weibo:
"Aside from our identities, don't Yan Bai and I match well?" Then I added a photo of myself and Yan Bai.

A large part of the people who follow the trend don't know Yan Bai's appearance, so Yan Bai's photos are not circulated on the Internet, only know that there is such a person as Yan Bai.

The group photo of Xiao Xier and Yan Bai stood very close together, Yan Bai looked at Xiao Xier dotingly, and Xiao Xier smiled at the camera.

No matter how you look at it, this is a bowl full of dog food.

After seeing Yan Bai's appearance, most of the people expressed their shock.

Some followers even left a message saying: "It seems that I understand why Asahi Nozomi will take care of this person, he is really handsome!"

"Oh my God, if I were Asahi Yuki, I'd take care of him too, he's so handsome that you can't close your thighs!"

"Good match, this looks really good match, handsome man and pretty woman. And I feel that this man has an aristocratic temperament!"

"It's a pity, the status is not worthy, the disparity is so big, so what if they look good? Surely they will not be able to get married in the future?"

As far as this photo is concerned, there are fewer followers of Fenghei, and everyone is discussing Yan Bai's appearance.But this is much more acceptable than their black and white contempt for themselves.

After a long time, Xiao Xier posted a second Weibo:

"There are more than 20 theories about Yan Bai's identity. Unfortunately, none of them are correct. Since you want to know Yan Bai's identity so much, why not come to the school tomorrow and see for yourself."

Yan Bai's identity will be announced at the school tomorrow, and she is worried that no one will announce it to the whole world. Instead, she hopes that as many people as possible can come to the school tomorrow, the better, and quickly cover the news.

This weibo immediately exploded in the message area.I'm afraid that during this night, there will be ten more different opinions on the Internet.

Without looking at the information on the Internet, Xiao Xier turned off the computer, went to sleep, and waited for tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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