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Chapter 874 Supplementary Sleep

Chapter 874 Supplementary Sleep
Xiao Xi'er poked her head and looked in, but Yan Bai was still resting.

Looking from a distance, Yan Bai's sleeping appearance is very upright. He sleeps on the right side of the bed, the quilt is upright, none of the four back corners is skewed, and there is no crease on the quilt after sleeping. Bai slept in this position at night and didn't move his body.

Xiao Xi'er felt that she had tried her best not to make any noise while walking, but when she walked to Yan Bai's side, she still easily woke Yan Bai up.

When Yan Bai opened his eyes, Xiao Xi'er was taken aback. After being frightened, she was a little depressed. He hadn't seen enough of Yan Bai falling asleep, so why did Yan Bai wake up.

But he rushed into Yan Bai's room rashly and was discovered by Yan Bai again, which seemed to be a little more embarrassing.

Yan Bai looked at Xiao Xi'er with a puzzled expression, as if wondering why Xiao Xi'er came to his room suddenly.

"Well, in vain...you're awake, I just want to see how you sleep." Xiao Xi'er scratched the back of her head awkwardly and said, really embarrassed.

"I thought it was simply coming. If I had known it was you, I should have slept a little longer." Yan Bai sat up and said with a slight smile.

These words can't be regarded as love words, but for some reason, Xiao Xi'er just felt very moved!Yan Bai seemed to be saying: "If I had known it was you, I would have pretended to sleep for a while, and let you see enough."

Looking at the alarm clock beside the bed, it was only past six o'clock, Yan Bai was a little surprised, "Why do you wake up so early, why don't you sleep for a while?"

Waking up so early doesn't look like Xiao Xi'er at all.Usually, Xiao Xi'er didn't get up until nine o'clock at the earliest.

"I can not sleep."

"I'll go wash up first, and then prepare breakfast for you." Yan Bai got up and said.

Xiao Xier nodded quickly, "Okay!"

While Yan Bai was washing up, Xiao Xi'er would look here and there in Yan Bai's room and touch it.

Yan Bai's room is very simple, everything is mainly white, the bed is white, and the pillows and quilts on it are also white.The bedside table is white, and the alarm clock on it is also white.Couldn't find any other colors.

And there doesn't seem to be much in the room, there is a notebook on the desk.Xiao Xier was bored, so she touched the mouse and found that the notebook was not turned off.

When the screen of the notebook was turned on, it displayed a planning form, and the last editing time was three o'clock in the morning.

"Yan Bai didn't go to bed until two o'clock in the morning, did he?" Xiao Xi'er couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and looked carefully at the time displayed on it. It was three o'clock in the morning, not three o'clock in the afternoon, and she read it correctly. Yan Bai really didn't sleep until midnight.

"Tsk, how could it be so late to rest!" Xiao Xi'er muttered dissatisfiedly, a little bit regretful in her heart for breaking into Yan Bai's room, waking him up who was still sleeping.

"However, this is not enough. I only slept for three hours. Even if I am still young, I don't need to sleep with me!" Thinking that Yan Bai and Ji Yuxue grew up together, Ji Yuxue gets enough sleep every day. ten hours.

Why didn't Baibai know how to learn from Ji Yuxue to let himself enjoy a little bit!

After Yan Bai washed up, just as he was about to go to the dressing room to change, Xiao Xi'er grabbed his arm and dragged him to the bed.

Yan Bai should sleep well!

(End of this chapter)

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