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Chapter 877 The Last Plea

Chapter 877 The Last Plea
"This is the supreme ring, I've never seen it before." Looking at the ring in Yan Bai's hand, little sister Cuihua recognized it almost immediately.She is also from the Yan family. Although she has never seen the real ring, she has seen the drawings many times.

Everyone in the world knows that one of the only three supreme rings in the world is in Yan's hands. In the past 200 years, the ring has never left Yan's, and has always been Yan's property.

Once Yan Bai appears in the public eye with this ring, he will definitely be recognized.Even if Yan Bai doesn't say anything at that time, this ring alone will be able to let people know Yan Bai's identity.

After everything was ready, the three were ready to go to school.However, as soon as the door was opened, Yue Gui's figure blocked the way of the door.

"Sister Yuegui..." Little sister Cuihua yelled first when she saw Yuegui.It's been a long time since I've been in China, and this is the first time I've seen Sister Yuegui.

"Young Master, have you really made a decision?" Yue Gui raised his head, looked directly at Yan Bai and asked.He didn't pay attention to little sister Cuihua who was on the side.

Even at the last moment, she still hoped that Yan Bai would repent.

"Yeah." Yan Bai replied lightly.

Yue Gui lowered his eyes, just in time to see the ring on Yan Bai's finger.She is very familiar with the Supreme Ring.

"Master, you have even prepared the supreme ring." Is the young master determined to die?

"Get out of the way." Looking at Yue Gui who was still blocking the way at the door, Yan Bai said a little impatiently.

Yue Gui's identity should not be exposed to anyone, but now he shows up to block their way, which is not what Yue Gui should do.

Although Yue Ji has been with Yan Bai for such a long time, Yan Bai actually doesn't know much about Yue Ji.

"Master...can I beg you...don't do this..." Yue Gui tightly closed his eyes.

Why do you have to take such a big risk for the little worry of Asaba Nozomi? Is it really worth it?
"Sister Yue Gui, don't make Brother Yan angry anymore, you know, the things that Brother Yan has decided will never change."

Little sister Cuihua seemed to sense that something was wrong, and hurriedly stepped forward to take Yue Gui's hand, and pulled Yue Gui aside.

"Yue Gui knows. Young master, no matter what happens to you in the future, Yue Gui will do everything in his power to protect you." Yue Gui suddenly knelt down towards Yan Bai and said
He no longer blocks Yan Bai's way, it's just to show his sincerity.

Yan Bai ignored it, but glanced at Xiao Xi'er, then held Xiao Xi'er's hand tightly, and the two got into the car at the same time.

"Sister Yuegui, I'm leaving first." Seeing that Yan Bai and Qian Yuxi had already boarded the car, little sister Cuihua quickly followed.

The media reporters who had already surrounded the school outside the school saw Xiao Xi'er and Yan Bai appearing together, and all the media reporters immediately rushed forward.Everyone wants to be the first to know the information.

However, since Xiao Xier allowed these media reporters to come here, she was already prepared to be eaten by the media reporters from the beginning.

The bodyguards of the two groups immediately stopped the reporters of the two groups before the reporters and the media rushed forward.

Not only stopped the reporter, but also opened a way for Xiao Xi'er and Yan Bai, so that Xiao Xi'er and Yan Bai could enter the school without any hindrance.

(End of this chapter)

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