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Chapter 893 The Person Who Deliberately Finds Faults

Chapter 893 The Person Who Deliberately Finds Faults
"Sorry." Xiao Xier continued to smile.

I really didn't expect it. I guess even people who go shopping every day may not be able to meet a fashion designer in the mall. Unexpectedly, Xiao Xi'er came to the mall to go shopping once in a while, and she met him.

But since it's a rare time to go shopping, Xiao Xi'er doesn't want such a meaningless event to disturb the fun of shopping.

Apologizing for such a thing, I said it casually.

"Let's go." After apologizing, Xiao Xi'er casually said to the Momo people at the side, completely ignoring the clerk just now.

"Stop, is this an apology? You're not sincere enough!" Seeing that Xiao Xi'er was about to leave, the clerk yelled again.

"Not sincere enough? How sincerely do you want me to apologize to you?" Xiao Xi'er suddenly sneered.The girl in front of me looked like she was less than 20 years old.

Young people can't help being a little arrogant. I criticized her design just now. It's understandable for her to be angry, but if she doesn't give in, she will lose her temper. Besides, what I said is not wrong.

"That's right, Xiao Xi'er has already apologized, what else do you want?" Momo also stood up.Anyway, there are many of them now, so don't be afraid of this clerk.What's more, it's Xiao Xi'er's identity that it's not her turn to be judged by others.

"It looks like you are all students, right? Do you still want to bully just a few people in our store because of the number of people? But let me tell you, I know everyone here. If you don't make an apology, don't even think about it today." Get out of this door!" The clerk said again with a look on his face.

At this time, a lot of clerks from other merchants also gathered around. I don't know if they came to watch the excitement, or to support the scene.

It made Xiao Xi'er feel a little strange. After all, no matter how hot-tempered an ordinary person is, they really can't do this for such a trivial matter. I feel that this is a deliberate attempt to find fault...

"Then what exactly do you want?" Xiao Xi'er asked again.

I hope that I am thinking too much. The female shop assistant in front of me is simply dissatisfied because her clothes have been criticized.

"Solemnly apologize to me, and buy my dress. The price of my dress is 880 yuan."

This is an unscrupulous price, and they are planning to sell it by force. Just by looking at it, you can tell that the dress is not worth the price.

What's more, in this pedestrian street with many students, no matter how high the price is, it will never exceed 1000 yuan.

"Three thousand 880 eight? Are you robbing?" Xiao Xi'er laughed.

She's not a fool, she can let others take advantage of her in order to calm things down?

"If you apologize well, I can give you a [-]% discount."

She paid attention to these people when they entered the store. Because she was a designer, she could tell that the clothes and shoes these people were wearing were made of high-end materials.It is estimated that any one of them will cost tens of thousands.

Especially the girl who looked the most inconspicuous in front of her. Her clothes were made of silk, and her shoes were seen in az brand stores. They looked like ordinary casual shoes, but the price was more than five figures.

At first glance, it looks like the kind of kid from a rich family. It shouldn't be difficult to come up with 880.

(End of this chapter)

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