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Chapter 901 Where did the justice police come out

Chapter 901 Where did the justice police come out
"Xiaoyang! You didn't hear me telling you to shut up, did you? Do you want to die?" I thought this matter could be solved so easily, but this idiot policeman, just for the sake of some kind of justice, wants to Is everyone in this situation unlucky?
"Director, I have to say it! I want to watch the surveillance and look for video evidence at that time, so that innocent people cannot be treated unfairly like this!" The policeman stepped forward, looked at the chief seriously and said, his eyes were full of seriousness. .

"Xiao Yang! I think you are impatient, right? You are a trainee policeman. You have no place to speak here. Get the hell out of here. There are still a lot of things that have not been dealt with in the bureau!" The chief Almost vomiting blood.

This Xiao Yang has only been in the police station for two months. Although he has performed very well, he is more like a policeman than anyone else, and his usual work ability is not bad, but he is too serious and easily offends people.And because the time of coming here is short, I am still a little ignorant.

But there must be a certain level of ignorance. The person in front of you is the young master of Qianshi, the boss of Chenyu Company. Even if his people killed someone and set fire to them today, they can only turn a blind eye and close their eyes. I don't know what to do.

What's more, even if Qian Shi was to be punished, it would not be their turn for such a small situation.

"Boss, although I'm just a trainee policeman, since the incident happened under my nose, then I can't ignore it! As a policeman, even if I want to offend the king of heaven, I must do this matter. Control!" Xiao Yang looked at the director seriously, his eyes full of determination.

Xiao Xi'er couldn't help shaking her head inwardly. She originally thought that this matter would be settled in this way, but who would have thought that such a mindless middle school policeman would pop up.It is a good thing to achieve justice, but it is stupid to take risks under such circumstances that there is obviously no chance of winning, and justice will only lead to bad luck.

"You mean, the person who is wrong in this matter is my sister?"

The policeman's speech easily angered Qian Yuchen.Everyone in Qian's family is very protective, especially Xiao Xi'er. In their eyes, Xiao Xi'er can't do anything wrong.Even if you hit someone, it must be the other party's fault.

And now the policeman's discovery seems to be accusing his sister of all the responsibility for this incident, and they are the evil party.

Qian Yuchen's aura has been honed over the years, coupled with his inherently ruthless appearance, just raising his eyebrows can easily scare people into peeing their pants.

As soon as Xiao Yang caught Qian Yuchen's sight, he immediately lost his footing.The strong pressure even made her breathless.

This is, what is going on here... This person in front of me is so scary, his eyes, his eyes seem to be eating people...

"Well, I don't know the cause and effect of this incident. The manager of the commercial street is taking the surveillance video. When the surveillance video comes out, we will know who is right and who is wrong. So, you can't leave now!" Xiao Yang He didn't dare to look at Qian Yuchen directly.Even the confidence to speak seems to be lacking.

After all, he is just a little policeman who has just entered the society, so he will still be afraid.

"So what you mean is that you want us to waste time in the police station and investigate that boring surveillance?" He dared to say that this little policeman was really at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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