Chapter 913 Three Rings
"This, is this ring real?" Mu Qianshu couldn't believe it. Shouldn't the ring be in Ji Yuxue's hand?Why is it in Ye Ziyue's hands?How did Ye Ziyue get Ji Yuxue's ring into her hands?
"It's true." Ye Ziyue nodded.

Such a ring, even if it were to be imitated, probably would not be able to imitate a second one.Judging from its degree of refinement, it should really not run away.

"How did you get it?" Mu Qianshu was a little pleasantly surprised, but also very puzzled. It seemed that this ring should have been in Ye Ziyue's hands for a while.

"Xiao Xier gave it to me. I don't know how she got the ring. Do you still remember that there was a time when Xiao Xier injured her finger, so she was always wrapped in bandages. I think at that time, Xiao Xier had a ring on her hand. I have always worn this ring."

"There was such a time, so the ring has been with you since then?"


"After a long time, it turns out that the ring is already in your hands. If I had known, I wouldn't have spent so much time investigating Ji Yuxue..." I always felt that a lot of time was wasted.

"But this ring should be returned to Xiao Xi'er. Although I don't know what method Xiao Xi'er used to get it from Ji Yuxue, since it belongs to Xiao Xi'er, you and I can't take it away."

They have always wanted to leave the best for Xiao Xier. If they snatched the ring from Ji Yuxue, as long as Xiao Xier wanted it, they would give it to Xiao Xier without hesitation. The ring originally belonged to Xiao Xier.

But even if this ring is lost, it doesn't matter, there is still a supreme ring in this world.One day, it will be alive.Time to grab the ring back...

As for where the last remaining ring is, in the whole world, only the person who owns it knows.

One of the three rings is blue. Now in Yan Bai's hands, it is also a symbol of Yan Bai's identity. The blue ring represents the stars, the sky, and the sea.When awakened, it emits a blue light, and it doesn't just appear on TV.

Of course, the mysteries in the ring have not been fully grasped, and how to awaken the supreme ring is still unknown.

The red supreme ring symbolizes killing and death. Once awakened, the ability of the ring can control people's mind. According to legend, once the ring controls the mind, the scholar with a pen can also become a murderous maniac.Of course, that happened in the Qing Dynasty, and the current red supreme ring is just a symbol of power.

Unless the three rings are gathered together, it is possible to awaken the red supreme ring.

The last one is cyan. For the ancient emperors, getting this ring won the world. Several generations of earth kings have owned cyan rings.However, if it is put into the present world, I am afraid it will be useless. There is no emperor in the present world.

But even though the three rings can no longer exert any power, they are still a symbol of power.

It wasn't until Ye Ziyue returned the ring to herself that Xiao Xi'er remembered the ring that had caused her distress for a month.But things have passed for so long, and the attitude towards the ring is different from before.

"This is the first time I've looked at the Supreme Ring like this. Can this thing really control people's minds? I really want to know how it works." Xiao Xi'er held the ring and looked at it under the light.

(End of this chapter)

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